By Ewout Walraven The Amiga OS consists of a set of libraries (and devices), which reside in ROM or on disk. These libraries provide a set of routines which are shared by the Amiga tasks (hence the name shared library). The way in which an Amiga library is organized allows a programmer to change where the system looks for a library routine. Exec provides a function to do this: SetFunction(). The SetFunction() routine redirects a library function call to an application-supplied function (Although this article doesn't address it, SetFunction() can also be used on Exec devices). The SetPatch utility uses SetFunction(). SetPatch is a program which replaces some OS routines with improved ones, primarily to fix bugs in ROM libraries. Normally, programs should not attempt to ``improve'' library functions. Because most programmers do not know exactly what system library functions do internally, OS patches can do more harm than good. However, a useful place to use SetFunction() is in a debugger. Using SetFunction(), a debugger can reroute library calls to a debugging function. The debugging function can inspect the arguments to a library function call before calling the original library routine (if everything is OK). Such a debugging function doesn't do any OS patching, it merely inspects. SetFunction() is also useful for testing an application under conditions it does not encounter normally. For example, a debugging program can force a program's memory allocations to fail or prevent a program's window from opening. This allows a programmer to find bugs that only arise under special circumstances. Some programs that use SetFunction() for debugging purposes are IO_Torture, Memoration and MungWall. A real watchdog is Wedge, which, as its name implies, allows you to install a wedge for practically every function of a standard library and inform you about the register values passed to the function. These types of debugging tools helped debug release 2.0 of the OS and found bugs and 1.3 dependencies in commercial applications. Although useful, SetFunction()ing library routines poses several problems. First of all, the wedge routine will have to be re-entrant, like all Exec library functions. Secondly, there is always a problem with removing the wedge. If another task has SetFunction()ed the same library routine as the debugger (a very real possibility), it is not normally possible to remove the first wedge, since the other task depends on the presence of your task's code. This would force your task to hang around, waiting for the other task(s) to remove their wedges. You also need to know when it is safe to unload your debugging code. Removing it while another task is executing it will quickly lead to a hopelessly crashed system. For those of you who might be thinking about writing down the ROM addresses returned by SetFunction() and using them in some other programs: Forget It. The address returned by SetFunction() is only good on the current system at the current time. Blindly jumping into ROM will cause your programs to break. Exec Library Structure Caveats An Example Debugger
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