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;/* MessageNotification.c - Compiled with SAS/C 6.56:
slink from MessageNotification.o to MessageNotification lib lib:amiga.lib

Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Amiga, Inc.

This example is provided in electronic form by Amiga, Inc.
for use with the Amiga Mail Volume II technical publication.
Amiga Mail Volume II contains additional information on the correct
usage of the techniques and operating system functions presented in
these examples.  The source and executable code of these examples may
only be distributed in free electronic form, via bulletin board or
as part of a fully non-commercial and freely redistributable
diskette.  Both the source and executable code (including comments)
must be included, without modification, in any copy.  This example
may not be published in printed form or distributed with any
commercial product. However, the programming techniques and support
routines set forth in these examples may be used in the development
of original executable software products for Amiga

All other rights reserved.

This example is provided "as-is" and is subject to change; no
warranties are made.  All use is at your own risk. No liability or
responsibility is assumed.

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/lists.h>
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/dosasl.h>
#include <dos/notify.h>
#include <dos/rdargs.h>

#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>

/* Use pragmas if you've got them */

static UBYTE   *VersTag = "\0$VER: MessageNotification 37.1 (09.07.91)";
struct Library *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;

/* I'll keep track of the NotifyRequests in an Exec list */
struct NotifyNode
    struct Node     nn_Node;
    struct NotifyRequest nn_NotifyRequest;
    /* and whatever is useful. Maybe a FileInfoBlock structure... */

VOID            main(VOID);


    struct RDArgs  *readargs;
    LONG            rargs[2];
    struct NotifyRequest *notifyrequest;
    struct NotifyMessage *notifymsg;
    struct List    *notifylist;
    struct MsgPort *notifyport;
    struct NotifyNode *nnode, *nextnode;
    UBYTE         **filenames;
    ULONG           signal, notifysignal;

    /* To appease amiga.lib */
    SysBase = (*((struct Library **) 4));

    /* Fail silently if < 37 */
    if (DOSBase = OpenLibrary("dos.library", 37))

        /* See the DOS Autodocs for more information about ReadArgs() */
        if (readargs = ReadArgs("Filename/A/M", rargs, NULL))
            /* Pointer to array of filenames */
            filenames = (UBYTE **) (rargs[0]);

            if (notifyport = CreateMsgPort())
                if (notifylist = AllocMem(sizeof(struct List), MEMF_CLEAR))
                    /* initialize list */

                    /* The list of filenames is terminated with a NULL */
                    while (*filenames)
                        /* Get a NotifyNode */
                        if (nnode = AllocMem(sizeof(struct NotifyNode), MEMF_CLEAR))
                             * Use ln_Name to store qualified filename to
                             * monitor. Note that I keep using that pointer to
                             * the command argument line here. In a real life
                             * application you're better off copying the
                             * string.
                            nnode->nn_Node.ln_Name = (UBYTE *) * filenames++;
                            notifyrequest = &(nnode->nn_NotifyRequest);

                            /* Initialize notifcation request */
                            notifyrequest->nr_Name = nnode->nn_Node.ln_Name;
                            notifyrequest->nr_Flags = NRF_SEND_MESSAGE | NRF_WAIT_REPLY;
                            notifyrequest->nr_stuff.nr_Msg.nr_Port = notifyport;
                             * I'm storing the address of the NotifyNode in
                             * nr_UserData. Not going to do anything with it
                             * here, but it would enable me to use the node
                             * immediately when I receive a NotifyMessage.
                            notifyrequest->nr_UserData = (ULONG) nnode;
                             * only add the node to the list if notification is
                             * supported
                            if ((StartNotify(notifyrequest)) == DOSTRUE)
                                AddTail(notifylist, (struct Node *) nnode);
                                Printf("Notification on %s\n",
                                       (LONG) nnode->nn_Node.ln_Name);
                                Printf("Notification failed on %s\n",
                                       (LONG) nnode->nn_Node.ln_Name);
                                FreeMem(nnode, sizeof(struct NotifyNode));
                            PrintFault(ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE, NULL);

                     * Is list empty? If so get out of here. (Macro defined in
                     * <exec/lists.h>)
                    if (!(IsListEmpty(notifylist)))
                         * No empty, so we've got outstanding NotifyRequests.
                         * Loop until Ctrl-C.
                        notifysignal = 1L << notifyport->mp_SigBit;
                        for (;;)
                            /* Wait for message port signals and break */
                            signal = Wait(notifysignal | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);

                            if (signal & notifysignal)
                                while (notifymsg =
                                        (struct NotifyMessage *) GetMsg(notifyport))
                                     * Here is that node again, stuffed in
                                     * nr_UserData. Can immediately reference
                                     * its data, like comparing filesize with
                                     * stored filesize in node, or remove it
                                     * (after an EndNotify() ofcourse).
                                    Printf("Notification message for %s, Node at 0x%lx\n",
                                           (LONG) notifymsg->nm_NReq->nr_Name,
                                      (LONG) notifymsg->nm_NReq->nr_UserData);
                                    ReplyMsg((struct Message *) notifymsg);

                            if (signal & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
                                 * Walk down the list, remove all
                                 * NotifyRequests, free all nodes.
                                nnode = (struct NotifyNode *) notifylist->lh_Head;
                                while (nextnode =
                                        (struct NotifyNode *) nnode->nn_Node.ln_Succ)
                                    notifyrequest = &(nnode->nn_NotifyRequest);
                                    Printf("Removing notifcation for %s\n",
                                           (LONG) notifyrequest->nr_Name);
                                     * remove this request. EndNotify() will
                                     * also remove any messages on the message
                                     * port.
                                     * Not really needed to Remove() the node,
                                     * never going to use this list again
                                    Remove((struct Node *) nnode);
                                    FreeMem(nnode, sizeof(struct NotifyNode));
                                    nnode = nextnode;
                    FreeMem(notifylist, sizeof(struct List));
            PrintFault(IoErr(), NULL);

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