;/* dillo_test.c - Execute me to compile me with SAS/C 6.56 sc data=far nominc strmer streq nostkchk saveds ign=73 dillo_test.c slink FROM LIB:c.o,dillo_test.o TO dillo_test LIB LIB:SC.lib,LIB:Amiga.lib quit */ /* ** dillo_test.c ** ** This is the sample program to test the functions inside ** armadillo.library. It creates a small array of Armadillos ** and after assigning various values, prints out their status. ** */ #include <exec/types.h> #include <exec/libraries.h> #include <clib/exec_protos.h> #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "dillo_protos.h" #include "armadillo_pragmas.h" extern struct ExecBase *SysBase; /* olsen 30-Jan-96 */ /* Global data for the test program */ struct Library *DilloBase; /* armadillo.library library base */ APTR dillo[5]; /* Array of generic pointers to */ /* armadillos, since programs don't */ /* need to know what the insides of */ /* an armadillo look like. */ STRPTR names[5] = { "Alex", "Bob", "Chris", "Daniel", "Eustace" }; ULONG namlen[5] = { 5, 4, 6, 7, 8 }; ULONG weight[5] = { 18, 20, 19, 17, 354 }; void main(void) { BOOL okay = FALSE; ULONG i = 0L; if (DilloBase = OpenLibrary("armadillo.library",0)) { for (i=0;i<5;i++) { if (dillo[i] = CreateArmadillo()) { if (okay = NameArmadillo( dillo[i], names[i], namlen[i] )) { printf("Armadillo %ld named %s.\n",i,names[i]); } else { printf("Armadillo %ld naming failure, it's anonymous.\n",i); } if (okay = FillArmadillo( dillo[i], weight[i] )) { printf("Armadillo %ld weighs %ld.\n",i,weight[i]); } else { printf("Armadillo %ld fill failure, it's dieting.\n",i); } if (i>2) { if (okay = FlattenArmadillo( dillo[i], TRUE )) { printf("Armadillo %ld had a slight mishap.\n",i); } } } else { printf("Couldn't create Armadillo %ld\n",i); } } /* Okay, all the armadillos are created (hopefully) and */ /* so as proof of concept and to test the data access */ /* functions, now the program shows the status of each */ /* of the armadillos. */ printf("\nArmadillo Status Report\n"); printf("-----------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { UBYTE namebuf[33]; printf("Armadillo #%ld\n",i); if (DilloName(dillo[i],(STRPTR)&namebuf,32)) { printf(" Name = \"%s\"\n",namebuf); } else { printf(" Name is invalid.\n"); } printf(" Weight = %ld pounds\n\n",DilloWeight(dillo[i])); printf(" Dillo is %s\n", (DilloFlat(dillo[i])?"flat":"lucky")); printf("-----\n"); } printf("Total Dillos created: %ld\n\n",DilloBirths()); /* Now that the armadillos have been tested, we can */ /* delete them with gleeful abandon. */ for(i=0;i<5;i++) { DeleteArmadillo( dillo[i] ); } /* We're done, so close the library... */ CloseLibrary(DilloBase); } else { printf("Couldn't open armadillo.library!\n"); } }
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