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AppKeyMap.o/AlterAppKeyMap                         AppKeyMap.o/AlterAppKeyMap

	AlterAppKeyMap -- Changes keyboard mappings for a keymap

	AlterAppKeyMap(mykeymap, keyarray, arrayentries);

	void AlterAppKeyMap(struct KeyMap *,
		            struct MyKey *,

	Using an array of MyKey structures (which describe a series of
	rawkeys), this function	changes the rawkey's corresponding
	mapping values in mykeymap.  Only call this function on
	a private copy of a KeyMap (including its data).

	mykeymap = pointer to a KeyMap structure.  AlterAppKeyMap() will
	  make changes to this KeyMap's data, so this KeyMap should
	  be a private copy of a KeyMap (including the data the KeyMap
	  points to).

	keyarray  = pointer to an array of struct MyKey (from

            struct MyKey
              UBYTE RawCode;	/* RawCode of character to change      */
				/* in the KeyMap.  Correponds to the   */
				/* Lo/HiKeyMap structures from the     */
				/* KeyMap structure.		       */
              UBYTE MapType;	/* The Lo/HiKeyMapTypes field.         */
              UBYTE Capsable;   /* This TRUE/FALSE state of this bit   */
                                /* gets translated to the correspond-  */
                                /* bit in KeyMap.Lo/HiCapsable.        */
              UBYTE Repeatable; /* This TRUE/FALSE state of this bit   */
                                /* gets translated to the correspond-  */
                                /* bit in KeyMap.Lo/HiRepeatable.      */
              ULONG Map;	/* Map data for key.  This points to   */
              			/* data for the rawkey.  Its format    */
              			/* depends on the key type. This field */
              			/* correponds to KeyMap.Lo/HiKeyMap.   */

        arrayentries = The number of MyKey entries in keyarray.

	For each MyKey entry in keyarray, AlterKeyMap() finds the correpsonding
	raw key	entry in mykeymap and changes the data to match the entry
	in keyarray.  AlterKeyMap() makes changes directly to the KeyMap's
	data, so don't call this function on a system copy of a keymap, make
	a copy of it.

	Note that the console.device's CD_ASKKEYMAP only copies a KeyMap
	structure, which is only a set of pointers.  If you want to customize
	a copy of a keymap, you also have to duplicate the data that
	the KeyMap references.  If you do not duplicate the keymap data when
	customizing a keymap, you'll write over data that many keymaps are
	currently using.

	This function assumes that the keymap passed to it was duplicated
	using the CreateAppKeyMap() function.  CreateAppKeyMap() puts
	the keymap tables in a specific order and AlterAppKeyMap()
	expects to find the tables in that order.  Only call AlterAppKeyMap()
	on keymaps duplicated with CreateAppKeyMap().


	console.device/CD_ASKKEYMAP console.device/CD_SETKEYMAP "appkeymap.h"
	AppKeyMap.o/CreateAppKeyMap() AppKeyMap.o/DeleteAppKeyMap()

AppKeyMap.o/CreateAppKeyMap                       AppKeyMap.o/CreateAppKeyMap

	CreateAppKeyMap -- Create a new KeyMap by duplicating an existing one.

	newkeymap = CreateAppKeyMap(origkeymap);

	struct KeyMap *CreateAppKeyMap(struct KeyMap *);

	This function accepts a pointer to a KeyMap structure and duplicates it.
	CreateAppKeyMap() allocates the memory for a KeyMap structure and all
	the tables associated with that keymap.

	origkeymap = points to a KeyMap to duplicate.

	If successful, this function returns a pointer to a duplicate of
	origkeymap.  CreateAppKeyMap() duplicates all of the tables that
	origkeymap references, so an application can make changes to the
	duplicate.  If CreateAppKeyMap() fails, it returns NULL.  The
	DeleteAppKeyMap() function deallocates the resources allocated
	by CreateAppKeyMap().

	CreateAppKeyMap() places the duplicate tables in an order so
	that a "Lo" table (for example, KeyMap.km_LoKeyMap) is immediately
	followed by the corresponding "Hi" table (KeyMap.km_HiKeyMap).
	This allows application to reference the two tables as one using
	the raw key value as an index.


	console.device/CD_ASKKEYMAP console.device/CD_SETKEYMAP "appkeymap.h"
	AppKeyMap.o/AlterAppKeyMap() AppKeyMap.o/DeleteAppKeyMap()

AppKeyMap.o/DeleteAppKeyMap                       AppKeyMap.o/DeleteAppKeyMap

	DeleteAppKeyMap -- Relinquish the resources allocated by


	void DeleteAppKeyMap(struct KeyMap *);

   	This function accepts a pointer to a keymap allocated by
   	CreateAppKeyMap() and deallocates the resources allocated
   	by that function.

	mykeymap = points to a KeyMap to deallocate.

   	Frees memory previously used by mykeymap and its associated tables.


	console.device/CD_ASKKEYMAP console.device/CD_SETKEYMAP "appkeymap.h"
	AppKeyMap.o/AlterAppKeyMap() AppKeyMap.o/CreateAppKeyMap()

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