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 * SCSI_Direct.c
 * The following program demonstrates the use of the HD_SCSICmd to send a
 * MODE SENSE to a unit on the requested device (default scsi.device).  This
 * code can be easily modified to send other commands to the drive.
 * Compile with SAS C 5.10  lc -b1 -cfistq -v -y -L
 * Run from CLI only

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/io.h>
#include <devices/scsidisk.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>

#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }  /* Disable SAS CTRL/C handling */
int chkabort(void) { return(0); }  /* really */

#define BUFSIZE 256

UBYTE *buffer;                  /* a data buffer used for mode sense data */
struct IOStdReq SCSIReq;        /* a standard IORequest structure */
struct SCSICmd Cmd;             /* where the actual SCSI command goes */
UBYTE  Sense[20];               /* buffer for request sense data */
struct MsgPort Port;            /* our ReplyPort */

void ShowSenseData(void);

static UBYTE TestReady[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };     /* not used but here for  */
static UBYTE StartUnit[] = { 0x1b,0,0,0,1,0 };  /* illustration of other  */
static UBYTE StopUnit[] =  { 0x1b,0,0,0,0,0 };  /* commands.              */

static UBYTE ModeSense[]={ 0x1a,0,0xff,0,254,0 }; /* the command being sent */

void main(int argc, char **argv)
int unit,tval,i;
char *dname = "scsi.device";
UBYTE *tbuf;

if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3))
    printf("Usage: %s unit [xxxx.device]\n",argv[0]);

unit = atoi( argv[1] );
if (argc == 3)
    dname = argv[2];


if (!buffer)
    printf("Couldn't get memory\n");

Port.mp_Node.ln_Pri = 0;                        /* setup the ReplyPort */
Port.mp_SigBit      = AllocSignal(-1);
Port.mp_SigTask     = (struct Task *)FindTask(0);
NewList( &(Port.mp_MsgList) );

SCSIReq.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = &Port;

if (OpenDevice( dname, unit, &SCSIReq, 0))
    printf("Couldn't open unit %ld on %s\n",unit,dname);
    FreeMem( buffer,BUFSIZE );

SCSIReq.io_Length  = sizeof(struct SCSICmd);
SCSIReq.io_Data    = (APTR)&Cmd;
SCSIReq.io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;        /* the command we are sending   */

Cmd.scsi_Data = (UWORD *)buffer;        /* where we put mode sense data */
Cmd.scsi_Length = 254;          /* how much we will accept      */
Cmd.scsi_CmdLength = 6;         /* length of the command        */
                                /* do automatic REQUEST_SENSE   */
                                /* set expected data direction  */
Cmd.scsi_SenseData =(UBYTE *)Sense;     /* where sense data will go     */
Cmd.scsi_SenseLength = 18;              /* how much we will accept      */
Cmd.scsi_SenseActual = 0;               /* how much has been received   */

Cmd.scsi_Command=(UBYTE *)ModeSense;/* issuing a MODE_SENSE command     */
DoIO( &SCSIReq );                       /* send it to the device driver */

if (Cmd.scsi_Status)
    ShowSenseData();      /* if bad status then show it */

    printf("\nBlock descriptor header\n");
    printf("Mode Sense data length  = %d\n",(short)buffer[0]);
    printf("Block descriptor length = %d\n",(short)buffer[3]);
    tbuf = &buffer[4];
    printf("Density code            = %d\n",(short)tbuf[0]);
    tval = (tbuf[1]<<16) + (tbuf[2]<<8) + tbuf[3];
    printf("Number of blocks        = %ld\n",tval);
    tval = (tbuf[5]<<16) + (tbuf[6]<<8) + tbuf[7];
    printf("Block size              = %ld\n",tval);

    tbuf += buffer[3];          /* move to page descriptors */

    while ((tbuf - buffer) < buffer[0])

           switch (tbuf[0] & 0x7f)
                   case 1:
                          printf("\nError Recovery Parameters\n");
                          printf("Page length             = %d\n",(short)tbuf[1]);
                          printf("DISABLE CORRECTION      = %d\n",(short)tbuf[2]&1);
                          printf("DISABLE XFER ON ERROR   = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>1)&1);
                          printf("POST ERROR              = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>2)&1);
                          printf("ENABLE EARLY CORRECTION = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>3)&1);
                          printf("READ CONTINUOUS         = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>4)&1);
                          printf("TRANSFER BLOCK          = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>5)&1);
                          printf("AUTO READ REALLOCATION  = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>6)&1);
                          printf("AUTO WRITE REALLOCATION = %d\n",(short)(tbuf[2]>>7)&1);
                          printf("Retry count             = %d\n",(short)tbuf[3]);
                          printf("Correction span         = %d\n",(short)tbuf[4]);
                          printf("Head offset count       = %d\n",(short)tbuf[5]);
                          printf("Data strobe offset count= %d\n",(short)tbuf[6]);
                          printf("Recovery time limit     = %d\n",(short)tbuf[7]);

                          tbuf += tbuf[1]+2;

                   case 2:
                          printf("\nDisconnect/Reconnect Control\n");
                          printf("Page length             = %d\n",(short)tbuf[1]);
                          printf("Buffer full ratio       = %d\n",(short)tbuf[2]);
                          printf("Buffer empty ratio      = %d\n",(short)tbuf[3]);
                          tval = (tbuf[4]<<8)+tbuf[5];
                          printf("Bus inactivity limit    = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[6]<<8)+tbuf[7];
                          printf("Disconnect time limit   = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[8]<<8)+tbuf[9];
                          printf("Connect time limit      = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[10]<<8)+tbuf[11];
                          printf("Maximum burst size      = %d\n",tval);
                          printf("Disable disconnection   = %d\n",(short)tbuf[12]&1);

                          tbuf += tbuf[1]+2;

                   case 3:
                          printf("\nDevice Format Parameters\n");
                          printf("Page length             = %d\n",(short)tbuf[1]);
                          tval = (tbuf[2]<<8)+tbuf[3];
                          printf("Tracks per zone         = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[4]<<8)+tbuf[5];
                          printf("Alternate sectors/zone  = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[6]<<8)+tbuf[7];
                          printf("Alternate tracks/zone   = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[8]<<8)+tbuf[9];
                          printf("Alternate tracks/volume = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[10]<<8)+tbuf[11];
                          printf("Sectors per track       = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[12]<<8)+tbuf[13];
                          printf("Bytes per sector        = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[14]<<8)+tbuf[15];
                          printf("Interleave              = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[16]<<8)+tbuf[17];
                          printf("Track skew factor       = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[18]<<8)+tbuf[19];
                          printf("Cylinder skew factor    = %d\n",tval);

                          tbuf += tbuf[1]+2;

                   case 4:
                          printf("\nDrive Geometry Parameters\n");
                          printf("Page length             = %d\n",(short)tbuf[1]);
                          tval = (tbuf[2]<<16)+(tbuf[3]<<8)+tbuf[4];
                          printf("Number of cylinders     = %ld\n",tval);
                          printf("Number of heads         = %d\n",(short)tbuf[5]);
                          tval = (tbuf[6]<<16)+(tbuf[6]<<8)+tbuf[8];
                          printf("Start write precomp     = %ld\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[9]<<16)+(tbuf[10]<<8)+tbuf[11];
                          printf("Start reduced write     = %ld\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[12]<<8)+tbuf[13];
                          printf("Drive step rate         = %d\n",tval);
                          tval = (tbuf[14]<<16)+(tbuf[15]<<8)+tbuf[16];
                          printf("Landing zone cylinder   = %ld\n",tval);

                          tbuf += tbuf[1]+2;

                           printf("\nVendor Unique Page Code %2x\n",(short)tbuf[0]);
                           for (i=0; i<=tbuf[1]+1; i++ )
                                printf("%x ",(short)tbuf[i]);

                           tbuf += tbuf[1]+2;

CloseDevice( &SCSIReq );
FreeMem( buffer, BUFSIZE );

void ShowSenseData(void)
int i;

for (i=0; i<18; i++)
     printf("%x ",(int)Sense[i]);


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