The Amiga is available in a variety of models and configurations, and is further diversified by a wealth of add-on expansion peripherals and processor replacements. In addition, even standard Amiga hardware such as the keyboard and floppy disks, are supplied by a number of different manufacturers and may vary subtly in both their timing and in their ability to perform outside of their specified capabilities. The Amiga operating system is designed to operate the Amiga hardware within spec, adapt to different hardware and RAM configurations, and generally provide upward compatibility with any future hardware upgrades or "add ons" envisioned by the designers. For maximum upward compatibility, it is strongly suggested that programmers deal with the hardware through the commands and functions provided by the Amiga operating system. If you find it necessary to program the hardware directly, then it is your responsibility to write code which will work properly on various models and configurations. Be sure to properly request and gain control of the hardware you are manipulating, and be especially careful in the following areas: * The environment of the Amiga computer is quite different than that of many other systems. The Amiga is a multitasking platform, which means multiple programs can run on a single machine simultaneously. However, for multitasking to work correctly, care must be taken to ensure that programs do not interfere with one another. It also means that certain guidelines must be followed during programming. * Remember that memory, peripheral configurations, and ROMs differ between models and between individual systems. Do not make assumptions about memory address ranges, storage device names, or the locations of system structures or code. Never call ROM routines directly. Beware of any example code you find that calls routines at addresses in the $F0 0000 - $FF FFFF range. These are ROM routines and they will move with every OS release. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the library, device, and resource calls. * Never assume library bases or structures will exist at any particular memory location. The only absolute address in the system is $0000 0004, which contains a pointer to the exec.library base. Do not modify or depend on the format of private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. * Never assume that programs can access hardware resources directly. Most hardware is controlled by system software that will not respond well to interference from other programs. Shared hardware requires programs to use the proper sharing protocols. Use the defined interface; it is the best way to ensure that your software will continue to operate on future models of the Amiga. * Never access shared data structures directly without the proper mutual exclusion (locking). Remember that other tasks may be accessing the same structures. * All data for the custom chips must reside in Chip memory (type MEMF_CHIP). This includes bitplanes, sound samples, trackdisk buffers, and images for sprites, bobs, pointers, and gadgets. The AllocMem() call takes a flag for specifying the type of memory. A program that specifies the wrong type of memory may appear to run correctly because many Amigas have only Chip memory. (On all models of the Amiga, the first 512K of memory is Chip memory and in some later models, Chip memory may occupy the first one or two megabytes). However, once expansion memory has been added to an Amiga (type MEMF_FAST), any memory allocations will be made in the expansion memory area by default. Hence, a program can run correctly on an unexpanded Amiga which has only Chip memory while crashing on an Amiga which has expanded memory. A developer with only Chip memory may fail to notice that memory was incorrectly specified. Most compilers have options to mark specific data structures or object modules so that they will load into Chip RAM. Some older compilers provide the Atom utility for marking object modules. If this method is unacceptable, use the AllocMem() call to dynamically allocate Chip memory, and copy your data there. When making allocations that do not require Chip memory, do not explicitly ask for Fast memory. Instead ask for memory type MEMF_PUBLIC or 0L as appropriate. If Fast memory is available, you will get it. * Never use software delay loops! Under the multitasking operating system, the time spent in a loop can be better used by other tasks. Even ignoring the effect it has on multitasking, timing loops are inaccurate and will wait different amounts of time depending on the specific model of Amiga computer. The timer.device provides precision timing for use under the multitasking system and it works the same on all models of the Amiga. The AmigaDOS Delay() function or the graphics.library/WaitTOF() function provide a simple interface for longer delays. The 8520 I/O chips provide timers for developers who are bypassing the operating system (see the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual for more information). 68010/020/030/040 Compatibility Hardware Programming Guidelines Additional Assembler Guidelines
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