Agnus/ Read/ Denise/ Register Address Write Paula Function -------- ------- ----- ------- -------- BPLCON0 100 W A D( E ) Bitplane control register (misc. control bits) BPLCON1 102 W D Bitplane control register (horizontal scroll control) BPLCON2 104 W D( E ) Bitplane control register (video priority control) These registers control the operation of the bitplanes and various aspects of the display. BIT# BPLCON0 BPLCON1 BPLCON2 ---- -------- -------- -------- 15 HIRES X X 14 BPU2 X X 13 BPU1 X X 12 BPU0 X X 11 HOMOD X X 10 DBLPF X X 09 COLOR X X 08 GAUD X X 07 X PF2H3 X 06 X PF2H2 PF2PRI 05 X PF2H1 PF2P2 04 X PF2H0 PF2P1 03 LPEN PF1H3 PF2P0 02 LACE PF1H2 PF1P2 01 ERSY PF1H1 PF1P1 00 X PF1H0 PF1P0 HIRES=High-resolution (70 ns pixels) BPU =Bitplane use code 000-110 (NONE through 6 inclusive) HOMOD=Hold-and-modify mode (1 = Hold-and-modify mode (HAM); 0 = Extra Half Brite (EHB) if HAM=0 and BPU=6 and DBLPF=0 then bitplane 6 controls an intensity reduction in the other five bitplanes) DBLPF=Double playfield (PF1=odd PF2=even bitplanes) COLOR=Composite video COLOR enable GAUD=Genlock audio enable (muxed on BKGND pin during vertical blanking LPEN =Light pen enable (reset on power up) LACE =Interlace enable (reset on power up) ERSY =External resync (HSYNC, VSYNC pads become inputs) (reset on power up) PF2PRI=Playfield 2 (even planes) has priority over (appears in front of) playfield 1 (odd planes). PF2P=Playfield 2 priority code (with respect to sprites) PF1P=Playfield 1 priority code (with respect to sprites) PF2H=Playfield 2 horizontal scroll code PF1H=Playfield 1 horizontal scroll code BPLCON3 106 W D( E ) Bitplane control (enhanced features)
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