There are five sources of interrupts on the 8520: - Underflow from Timer A (timer counts down past 0) - Underflow from Timer B - TOD alarm - Serial port full/empty - Flag A single register provides masking and interrupt information. The interrupt control register consists of a write-only MASK register and a read-only DATA register. Any interrupt will set the corresponding bit in the DATA register. Any interrupt that is enabled by a 1-bit in that position in the MASK will set the IR bit (MSB) of the DATA register and bring the IRQ pin low. In a multichip system, the IR bit can be polled to detect which chip has generated an interrupt request. When you read the DATA register, its contents are cleared (set to 0), and the IRQ line returns to a high state. Since it is cleared on a read, you must assure that your interrupt polling or interrupt service code can preserve and respond to all bits which may have been set in the DATA register at the time it was read. With proper preservation and response, it is easily possible to intermix polled and direct interrupt service methods. You can set or clear one or more bits of the MASK register without affecting the current state of any of the other bits in the register. This is done by setting the appropriate state of the MSBit, which is called the set/clear bit. In bits 6-0, you yourself form a mask that specifies which of the bits you wish to affect. Then, using bit 7, you specify HOW the bits in corresponding positions in the mask are to be affected. * If bit 7 is a 1, then any bit 6-0 in your own mask byte which is set to a 1 sets the corresponding bit in the MASK register. Any bit that you have set to a 0 causes the MASK register bit to remain in its current state. * If bit 7 is a 0, then any bit 6-0 in your own mask byte which is set to a 1 clears the corresponding bit in the MASK register. Again, any 0 bit in your own mask byte causes no change in the contents of the corresponding MASK register bit. If an interrupt is to occur based on a particular condition, then that corresponding MASK bit must be a 1. Example: Suppose you want to set the Timer A interrupt bit (enable the Timer A interrupt), but want to be sure that all other interrupts are cleared. Here is the sequence you can use: INCLUDE "hardware/cia.i" XREF _ciaa ; From amiga.lib lea _ciaa,a0 ; Defined in amiga.lib move.b #%01111110,ciaicr(a0) MSB is 0, means clear any bit whose value is 1 in the rest of the byte INCLUDE "hardware/cia.i" XREF _ciaa ; From amiga.lib lea _ciaa,a0 ; Defined in amiga.lib move.b #%10000001,ciaicr(a0) MSB is 1, means set any bit whose value is 1 in the rest of the byte (do not change any values wherein the written value bit is a zero) Read Interrupt Control Register Write Interrupt Control Mask
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