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**	$Filename: devices/clipboard.h $
**	$Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**	$Revision: 36.5 $
**	$Date: 90/11/02 $
**	clipboard.device structure definitions
**	(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved

#ifndef	EXEC_TYPES_H
#include	"exec/types.h"
#ifndef	EXEC_NODES_H
#include	"exec/nodes.h"
#ifndef	EXEC_LISTS_H
#include	"exec/lists.h"
#ifndef	EXEC_PORTS_H
#include	"exec/ports.h"

#define	CBD_POST		(CMD_NONSTD+0)


struct ClipboardUnitPartial {
    struct  Node cu_Node;	/* list of units */
    ULONG   cu_UnitNum;		/* unit number for this unit */
    /* the remaining unit data is private to the device */

struct IOClipReq {
    struct Message io_Message;
    struct Device *io_Device;	/* device node pointer	*/
    struct ClipboardUnitPartial *io_Unit; /* unit node pointer */
    UWORD   io_Command;		/* device command */
    UBYTE   io_Flags;		/* including QUICK and SATISFY */
    BYTE    io_Error;		/* error or warning num */
    ULONG   io_Actual;		/* number of bytes transferred */
    ULONG   io_Length;		/* number of bytes requested */
    STRPTR  io_Data;		/* either clip stream or post port */
    ULONG   io_Offset;		/* offset in clip stream */
    LONG    io_ClipID;		/* ordinal clip identifier */

#define	PRIMARY_CLIP	0	/* primary clip unit */

struct SatisfyMsg {
    struct Message sm_Msg;	/* the length will be 6 */
    UWORD   sm_Unit;		/* which clip unit this is */
    LONG    sm_ClipID;		/* the clip identifier of the post */

struct ClipHookMsg {
    ULONG   chm_Type;		/* zero for this structure format */
    LONG    chm_ChangeCmd;	/* command that caused this hook invocation: */
				/*   either CMD_UPDATE or CBD_POST */
    LONG    chm_ClipID;		/* the clip identifier of the new data */


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