NAME DoSuperMethod -- Perform method on object coerced to superclass. (V36) SYNOPSIS result = DoSuperMethod( cl, obj, MethodID, ... ) ULONG DoSuperMethod( struct IClass *, Object *, ULONG, ... ); FUNCTION Boopsi support function that invokes the supplied message on the specified object, as though it were the superclass of the specified class. Equivalent to DoSuperMethodA(), but allows you to build the message on the stack. INPUTS cl - pointer to boopsi class whose superclass is to receive the message obj - pointer to boopsi object ... - method-specific message built on the stack RESULT result - class and message-specific result. NOTES While this function requires V36 or higher intuition.library, it first appeared in V37 amiga.lib. SEE ALSO CoerceMethodA(), DoMethodA(), DoSuperMethodA(), <intuition/classusr.h> ROM Kernel Manual boopsi section
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