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    ResetMenuStrip -- Re-attach a menu strip to a window. (V36)

    Success = ResetMenuStrip( Window, Menu )
    D0                        A0      A1

    BOOL ResetMenuStrip( struct Window *, struct Menu * );

    This function is simply a "fast" version of SetMenuStrip() that
    doesn't perform the precalculations of menu page sizes that
    SetMenuStrip() does.

    You may call this function ONLY IF the menu strip and all items
    and sub-items have not changed since the menu strip was passed to
    SetMenuStrip(), with the following exceptions:

    - You may change the CHECKED flag to turn a checkmark on or off.
    - You may change the ITEMENABLED flag to enable/disable some
      MenuItem or Menu structures.

    In all other ways, this function performs like SetMenuStrip().

    The new sequence of events you can use is:
    - OpenWindow()
    - SetMenuStrip()
    zero or more iterations of:
        - ClearMenuStrip()
        - change CHECKED or ITEMENABLED flags
        - ResetMenuStrip()
    - ClearMenuStrip()
    - CloseWindow()

    Window = pointer to a Window structure
    Menu = pointer to the first menu in the menu strip

    TRUE always.


    SetMenuStrip(), ClearMenuStrip()

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