NAME Exit -- Exit from a program SYNOPSIS Exit( returnCode ) D1 void Exit(LONG) FUNCTION Exit() is currently for use with programs written as if they were BCPL programs. This function is not normally useful for other purposes. In general, therefore, please DO NOT CALL THIS FUNCTION! In order to exit, C programs should use the C language exit() function (note the lower case letter "e"). Assembly programs should place a return code in D0, and execute an RTS instruction with their original stack ptr. IMPLEMENTATION The action of Exit() depends on whether the program which called it is running as a command under a CLI or not. If the program is running under the CLI the command finishes and control reverts to the CLI. In this case, returnCode is interpreted as the return code from the program. If the program is running as a distinct process, Exit() deletes the process and release the space associated with the stack, segment list and process structure. INPUTS returnCode - integer SEE ALSO CreateProc(), CreateNewProc()
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