NAME ConfigBoard - configure a board SYNOPSIS error = ConfigBoard( board, configDev ) D0 A0 A1 FUNCTION This routine configures an expansion board. The board will generally live at E_EXPANSIONBASE, but the base is passed as a parameter to allow future compatibility. The configDev parameter must be a valid configDev that has already had ReadExpansionRom() called on it. ConfigBoard will allocate expansion memory and place the board at its new address. It will update configDev accordingly. If there is not enough expansion memory for this board then an error will be returned. INPUTS board - the current address that the expansion board is responding. configDev - an initialized ConfigDev structure, returned by AllocConfigDev. RESULTS error - non-zero if there was a problem configuring this board (Can return EE_OK or EE_NOEXPANSION) SEE ALSO FreeConfigDev
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