NAME GT_FilterIMsg -- Filter an IntuiMessage through GadTools. (V36) SYNOPSIS modimsg = GT_FilterIMsg(imsg) D0 A1 struct IntuiMessage *GT_FilterIMsg(struct IntuiMessage *); FUNCTION NOTE WELL: Extremely few programs will actually need this function. You almost certainly should be using GT_GetIMsg() and GT_ReplyIMsg() only, and not GT_FilterIMsg() and GT_PostFilterIMsg(). GT_FilterIMsg() takes the supplied IntuiMessage and asks the Gadget Toolkit to consider and possibly act on it. Returns NULL if the message was only of significance to a GadTools gadget (i.e. not to you), else returns a pointer to a modified IDCMP message, which may contain additional information. You should examine the Class, Code, and IAddress fields of the returned message to learn what happened. Do not make interpretations based on the original imsg. You should use GT_PostFilterIMsg() to revert to the original IntuiMessage once you are done with the modified one. INPUTS imsg - An IntuiMessage you obtained from a Window's UserPort. RESULT modimsg - A modified IntuiMessage, possibly with extra information from GadTools, or NULL. EXAMPLE NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO GT_GetIMsg(), GT_PostFilterIMsg()
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