NAME AreaEllipse -- add a ellipse to areainfo list for areafill. SYNOPSIS error = AreaEllipse( rp, cx, cy, a, b ) d0 a1 d0:16 d1:16 d2:16 d3:16 LONG AreaEllipse( struct RastPort *, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT) FUNCTION Add an ellipse to the vector buffer. It will be draw when AreaEnd() is called. INPUTS rp - pointer to a RastPort structure cx - x coordinate of the centerpoint relative to the rastport. cy - y coordinate of the centerpoint relative to the rastport. a - the horizontal radius of the ellipse (note: a must be > 0) b - the vertical radius of the ellipse (note: b must be > 0) RESULT error - zero for success, or -1 if there is no space left in the vector list SEE ALSO AreaMove() AreaDraw() AreaCircle() InitArea() AreaEnd() graphics/rastport.h
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