NAME EraseRect -- Fill a defined rectangular area using the current BackFill hook. (V36) SYNOPSIS EraseRect( rp, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) a1 d0:16 d1:16 d2:16 d3:16 void EraseRect(struct RastPort *, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT); FUNCTION Fill the rectangular region specified by the parameters with the BackFill hook. If non-layered, the rectangular region specified by the parameters is cleared. If layered the Layer->BackFill Hook is used. INPUTS rp - pointer to a RastPort structure xmin - x coordinate of the upper left corner of the region to fill. ymin - y coordinate of the upper left corner of the region to fill. xmax - x coordinate of the lower right corner of the region to fill. ymax - y coordinate of the lower right corner of the region to fill. BUGS NOTES The following relation MUST be true: (xmax >= xmin) and (ymax >= ymin) SEE ALSO graphics/rastport.h graphics/clip.h
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