fabs #define IEEEDPAbs libraries/mathffp.h: *35 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *35 fatten_count char in struct Layer_Info +0x005a graphics/layers.h: *44 fc_FileName array [256] of char in struct FontContents +0x0000 libraries/diskfont.h: *31 fc_Flags unsigned char in struct FontContents +0x0103 libraries/diskfont.h: *34 fc_Style unsigned char in struct FontContents +0x0102 libraries/diskfont.h: *33 fc_YSize unsigned short int in struct FontContents +0x0100 libraries/diskfont.h: *32 fch_FileID unsigned short int in struct FontContentsHeader +0x0000 libraries/diskfont.h: *55 fch_NumEntries unsigned short int in struct FontContentsHeader +0x0002 libraries/diskfont.h: *56 fh_Arg1 #define fh_Args dos/dosextens.h: *104 fh_Arg2 long int in struct FileHandle +0x0028 dos/dosextens.h: *105 fh_Args long int in struct FileHandle +0x0024 dos/dosextens.h: *103 fh_Buf long int in struct FileHandle +0x000c dos/dosextens.h: *96 fh_End long int in struct FileHandle +0x0014 dos/dosextens.h: *98 fh_Func1 #define fh_Funcs dos/dosextens.h: *100 fh_Func2 long int in struct FileHandle +0x001c dos/dosextens.h: *101 fh_Func3 long int in struct FileHandle +0x0020 dos/dosextens.h: *102 fh_Funcs long int in struct FileHandle +0x0018 dos/dosextens.h: *99 fh_Link pointer to struct Message in struct FileHandle +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *92 fh_Port pointer to struct MsgPort in struct FileHandle +0x0004 dos/dosextens.h: *93 fh_Pos long int in struct FileHandle +0x0010 dos/dosextens.h: *97 fh_Type pointer to struct MsgPort in struct FileHandle +0x0008 dos/dosextens.h: *94 fhb_ChkSum long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0008 devices/hardblocks.h: *155 fhb_DosType unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0020 devices/hardblocks.h: *160 fhb_Flags unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0014 devices/hardblocks.h: *158 fhb_GlobalVec long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x004c devices/hardblocks.h: *177 fhb_Handler unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0038 devices/hardblocks.h: *170 fhb_HostID unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x000c devices/hardblocks.h: *156 fhb_ID unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0000 devices/hardblocks.h: *153 fhb_Lock unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0034 devices/hardblocks.h: *169 fhb_Next unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0010 devices/hardblocks.h: *157 fhb_PatchFlags unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0028 devices/hardblocks.h: *163 fhb_Priority long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0040 devices/hardblocks.h: *172 fhb_Reserved1 array [2] of unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0018 devices/hardblocks.h: *159 fhb_Reserved2 array [23] of unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0050 devices/hardblocks.h: *178 fhb_Reserved3 array [21] of unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x00ac devices/hardblocks.h: *179 fhb_SegListBlocks long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0048 devices/hardblocks.h: *174 fhb_StackSize unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x003c devices/hardblocks.h: *171 fhb_Startup long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0044 devices/hardblocks.h: *173 fhb_SummedLongs unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0004 devices/hardblocks.h: *154 fhb_Task unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0030 devices/hardblocks.h: *168 fhb_Type unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x002c devices/hardblocks.h: *167 fhb_Version unsigned long int in struct FileSysHeaderBlock +0x0024 devices/hardblocks.h: *162 fib_Comment array [80] of char in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0090 dos/dos.h: *73 fib_Date struct DateStamp(size 0x000c bytes) in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0084 dos/dos.h: *72 fib_DirEntryType long int in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0004 dos/dos.h: *65 fib_DiskKey long int in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0000 dos/dos.h: *64 fib_EntryType long int in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0078 dos/dos.h: *69 fib_FileName array [108] of char in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0008 dos/dos.h: *67 fib_NumBlocks long int in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0080 dos/dos.h: *71 fib_Protection long int in struct FileInfoBlock +0x0074 dos/dos.h: *68 fib_Reserved array [36] of char in struct FileInfoBlock +0x00e0 dos/dos.h: *74 fib_Size long int in struct FileInfoBlock +0x007c dos/dos.h: *70 firstBlissObj pointer to void in struct GelsInfo +0x001e graphics/rastport.h: *53 fl_Access long int in struct FileLock +0x0008 dos/dosextens.h: *446 fl_Key long int in struct FileLock +0x0004 dos/dosextens.h: *445 fl_Link long int in struct FileLock +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *444 fl_MemList struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct FreeList +0x0002 workbench/workbench.h: *85 fl_NumFree short int in struct FreeList +0x0000 workbench/workbench.h: *84 fl_Task pointer to struct MsgPort in struct FileLock +0x000c dos/dosextens.h: *447 fl_Volume long int in struct FileLock +0x0010 dos/dosextens.h: *448 flags unsigned char in struct narrator_rb +0x0045 devices/narrator.h: *106 floor #define IEEEDPFloor libraries/mathffp.h: *36 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *36 fo_Attr struct TextAttr(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct FontRequester +0x0008 libraries/asl.h: *148 fo_BackPen unsigned char in struct FontRequester +0x0011 libraries/asl.h: *150 fo_DrawMode unsigned char in struct FontRequester +0x0012 libraries/asl.h: *151 fo_FrontPen unsigned char in struct FontRequester +0x0010 libraries/asl.h: *149 fo_Reserved1 array [2] of pointer to void in struct FontRequester +0x0000 libraries/asl.h: *147 fo_UserData pointer to void in struct FontRequester +0x0014 libraries/asl.h: *152 front pointer to struct Layer in struct Layer +0x0000 graphics/clip.h: *36 fse_DosType unsigned long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x000e resources/filesysres.h: *36 fse_GlobalVec long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x003a resources/filesysres.h: *50 fse_Handler long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x0026 resources/filesysres.h: *45 fse_Lock long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x0022 resources/filesysres.h: *44 fse_Node struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct FileSysEntry +0x0000 resources/filesysres.h: *34 fse_PatchFlags unsigned long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x0016 resources/filesysres.h: *38 fse_Priority long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x002e resources/filesysres.h: *47 fse_SegList long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x0036 resources/filesysres.h: *49 fse_StackSize unsigned long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x002a resources/filesysres.h: *46 fse_Startup long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x0032 resources/filesysres.h: *48 fse_Task unsigned long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x001e resources/filesysres.h: *43 fse_Type unsigned long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x001a resources/filesysres.h: *42 fse_Version unsigned long int in struct FileSysEntry +0x0012 resources/filesysres.h: *37 fsr_Creator pointer to char in struct FileSysResource +0x000e resources/filesysres.h: *29 fsr_FileSysEntries struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct FileSysResource +0x0012 resources/filesysres.h: *30 fsr_Node struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct FileSysResource +0x0000 resources/filesysres.h: *28 fssm_Device long int in struct FileSysStartupMsg +0x0004 dos/filehandler.h: *88 fssm_Environ long int in struct FileSysStartupMsg +0x0008 dos/filehandler.h: *89 fssm_Flags unsigned long int in struct FileSysStartupMsg +0x000c dos/filehandler.h: *90 fssm_Unit unsigned long int in struct FileSysStartupMsg +0x0000 dos/filehandler.h: *87 function pointer to function returning int in struct bltnode +0x0004 hardware/blit.h: *93 F0enthusiasm unsigned char in struct narrator_rb +0x0046 devices/narrator.h: *107 F0perturb unsigned char in struct narrator_rb +0x0047 devices/narrator.h: *108 F1adj char in struct narrator_rb +0x0048 devices/narrator.h: *109 F2adj char in struct narrator_rb +0x0049 devices/narrator.h: *110 F3adj char in struct narrator_rb +0x004a devices/narrator.h: *111 FALSE #define 0 = 0x00000000 exec/types.h: *73 FANFOLD #define 0x00 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *155 FAULT_MAX #define 82 = 0x00000052 dos/dos.h: *98 FCH_ID #define 0x0f00 = 0x00000f00 libraries/diskfont.h: *51 FEMALE #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/narrator.h: *64 FIBB_ARCHIVE #define 4 = 0x00000004 dos/dos.h: *82 FIBB_DELETE #define 0 = 0x00000000 dos/dos.h: *86 FIBB_EXECUTE #define 1 = 0x00000001 dos/dos.h: *85 FIBB_PURE #define 5 = 0x00000005 dos/dos.h: *81 FIBB_READ #define 3 = 0x00000003 dos/dos.h: *83 FIBB_SCRIPT #define 6 = 0x00000006 dos/dos.h: *80 FIBB_WRITE #define 2 = 0x00000002 dos/dos.h: *84 FIBF_ARCHIVE #define (1<<FIBB_ARCHIVE) = 0x00000010 dos/dos.h: *89 FIBF_DELETE #define (1<<FIBB_DELETE) = 0x00000001 dos/dos.h: *93 FIBF_EXECUTE #define (1<<FIBB_EXECUTE) = 0x00000002 dos/dos.h: *92 FIBF_PURE #define (1<<FIBB_PURE) = 0x00000020 dos/dos.h: *88 FIBF_READ #define (1<<FIBB_READ) = 0x00000008 dos/dos.h: *90 FIBF_SCRIPT #define (1<<FIBB_SCRIPT) = 0x00000040 dos/dos.h: *87 FIBF_WRITE #define (1<<FIBB_WRITE) = 0x00000004 dos/dos.h: *91 FIL1B_MATCHDIRS #define 1L = 0x00000001 libraries/asl.h: *132 FIL1B_NOFILES #define 0L = 0x00000000 libraries/asl.h: *131 FIL1F_MATCHDIRS #define (1L << FIL1B_MATCHDIRS) = 0x00000002 libraries/asl.h: *135 FIL1F_NOFILES #define (1L << FIL1B_NOFILES) = 0x00000001 libraries/asl.h: *134 FILB_DOMSGFUNC #define 6L = 0x00000006 libraries/asl.h: *110 FILB_DOWILDFUNC #define 7L = 0x00000007 libraries/asl.h: *108 FILB_MULTISELECT #define 3L = 0x00000003 libraries/asl.h: *114 FILB_NEWIDCMP #define 4L = 0x00000004 libraries/asl.h: *113 FILB_PATGAD #define 0L = 0x00000000 libraries/asl.h: *116 FILB_SAVE #define 5L = 0x00000005 libraries/asl.h: *112 FILENAME_SIZE #define 30 = 0x0000001e intuition/preferences.h: *28, 84, 112 FILF_DOMSGFUNC #define (1L << FILB_DOMSGFUNC) = 0x00000040 libraries/asl.h: *120 FILF_DOWILDFUNC #define (1L << FILB_DOWILDFUNC) = 0x00000080 libraries/asl.h: *119 FILF_MULTISELECT #define (1L << FILB_MULTISELECT) = 0x00000008 libraries/asl.h: *124 FILF_NEWIDCMP #define (1L << FILB_NEWIDCMP) = 0x00000010 libraries/asl.h: *123 FILF_PATGAD #define (1L << FILB_PATGAD) = 0x00000001 libraries/asl.h: *125 FILF_SAVE #define (1L << FILB_SAVE) = 0x00000020 libraries/asl.h: *122 FILLPEN #define (0x0005) = 0x00000005 intuition/screens.h: *87 FILLRECTCLASS #define "fillrectclass" intuition/classusr.h: *46 FILLTEXTPEN #define (0x0006) = 0x00000006 intuition/screens.h: *88 FILL_CARRYIN #define 0x4 = 0x00000004 hardware/blit.h: *70 FILL_OR #define 0x8 = 0x00000008 hardware/blit.h: *68 FILL_XOR #define 0x10 = 0x00000010 hardware/blit.h: *69 FINE #define 0x800 = 0x00000800 intuition/preferences.h: *161 FLOAT typedef float exec/types.h: *64 FLOYD_DITHERING #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400 intuition/preferences.h: *257 FOLLOWMOUSE #define GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE = 0x00000008 intuition/iobsolete.h: *72 FONB_BACKCOLOR #define 1 = 0x00000001 libraries/asl.h: *160 FONB_DOMSGFUNC #define 6 = 0x00000006 libraries/asl.h: *165 FONB_DOWILDFUNC #define 7 = 0x00000007 libraries/asl.h: *167 FONB_DRAWMODE #define 3 = 0x00000003 libraries/asl.h: *162 FONB_FIXEDWIDTH #define 4 = 0x00000004 libraries/asl.h: *163 FONB_FRONTCOLOR #define 0 = 0x00000000 libraries/asl.h: *159 FONB_NEWIDCMP #define 5 = 0x00000005 libraries/asl.h: *164 FONB_STYLES #define 2 = 0x00000002 libraries/asl.h: *161 FONF_BACKCOLOR #define (1L << FONB_BACKCOLOR) = 0x00000002 libraries/asl.h: *170 FONF_DOMSGFUNC #define (1L << FONB_DOMSGFUNC) = 0x00000040 libraries/asl.h: *175 FONF_DOWILDFUNC #define (1L << FONB_DOWILDFUNC) = 0x00000080 libraries/asl.h: *176 FONF_DRAWMODE #define (1L << FONB_DRAWMODE) = 0x00000008 libraries/asl.h: *172 FONF_FIXEDWIDTH #define (1L << FONB_FIXEDWIDTH) = 0x00000010 libraries/asl.h: *173 FONF_FRONTCOLOR #define (1L << FONB_FRONTCOLOR) = 0x00000001 libraries/asl.h: *169 FONF_NEWIDCMP #define (1L << FONB_NEWIDCMP) = 0x00000020 libraries/asl.h: *174 FONF_STYLES #define (1L << FONB_STYLES) = 0x00000004 libraries/asl.h: *171 FOREVER #define for(;;) intuition/intuition.h: *1292 FORMAT_CDN #define 3 = 0x00000003 dos/datetime.h: *53 FORMAT_DOS #define 0 = 0x00000000 dos/datetime.h: *50 FORMAT_INT #define 1 = 0x00000001 dos/datetime.h: *51 FORMAT_MAX #define FORMAT_CDN = 0x00000003 dos/datetime.h: *54 FORMAT_USA #define 2 = 0x00000002 dos/datetime.h: *52 FPB_DESIGNED #define 6 = 0x00000006 graphics/text.h: *56 FPB_DISKFONT #define 1 = 0x00000001 graphics/text.h: *46 FPB_PROPORTIONAL #define 5 = 0x00000005 graphics/text.h: *54 FPB_REMOVED #define 7 = 0x00000007 graphics/text.h: *63 FPB_REVPATH #define 2 = 0x00000002 graphics/text.h: *48 FPB_ROMFONT #define 0 = 0x00000000 graphics/text.h: *44 FPB_TALLDOT #define 3 = 0x00000003 graphics/text.h: *50 FPB_WIDEDOT #define 4 = 0x00000004 graphics/text.h: *52 FPF_DESIGNED #define 0x40 = 0x00000040 graphics/text.h: *61 FPF_DISKFONT #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 graphics/text.h: *47 FPF_PROPORTIONAL #define 0x20 = 0x00000020 graphics/text.h: *55 FPF_REMOVED #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080 graphics/text.h: *64 FPF_REVPATH #define 0x04 = 0x00000004 graphics/text.h: *49 FPF_ROMFONT #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 graphics/text.h: *45 FPF_TALLDOT #define 0x08 = 0x00000008 graphics/text.h: *51 FPF_WIDEDOT #define 0x10 = 0x00000010 graphics/text.h: *53 FPHALF #define ((double) 0.5) libraries/mathffp.h: *28 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *29 FPONE #define ((double) 1.0) libraries/mathffp.h: *27 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *28 FPTEN #define ((double) 10.0) libraries/mathffp.h: *26 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *27 FPZERO #define ((double) 0.0) libraries/mathffp.h: *29 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *30 FRAMEF_SPECIFY #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001 intuition/imageclass.h: *149 FRAMEICLASS #define "frameiclass" intuition/classusr.h: *44 FRBUTTONCLASS #define "frbuttonclass" intuition/classusr.h: *51 FREEHORIZ #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002 intuition/intuition.h: *504 FREEVERT #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004 intuition/intuition.h: *505 FROM_MONITOR #define 1 = 0x00000001 graphics/monitor.h: *57 FRST_DOT #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 graphics/rastport.h: *100 FSB_BOLD #define 1 = 0x00000001 graphics/text.h: *31 FSB_COLORFONT #define 6 = 0x00000006 graphics/text.h: *38 FSB_EXTENDED #define 3 = 0x00000003 graphics/text.h: *35 FSB_ITALIC #define 2 = 0x00000002 graphics/text.h: *33 FSB_TAGGED #define 7 = 0x00000007 graphics/text.h: *40 FSB_UNDERLINED #define 0 = 0x00000000 graphics/text.h: *29 FSF_BOLD #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 graphics/text.h: *32 FSF_COLORFONT #define 0x40 = 0x00000040 graphics/text.h: *39 FSF_EXTENDED #define 0x08 = 0x00000008 graphics/text.h: *36 FSF_ITALIC #define 0x04 = 0x00000004 graphics/text.h: *34 FSF_TAGGED #define 0x80 = 0x00000080 graphics/text.h: *41 FSF_UNDERLINED #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 graphics/text.h: *30 FSRNAME #define "FileSystem.resource" resources/filesysres.h: *25 FS_NORMAL #define 0 = 0x00000000 graphics/text.h: *28 FULLMENUNUM macro (3 arguments) intuition/intuition.h: *1275 FgPen char in struct RastPort +0x0019 graphics/rastport.h: *65 FileHandle structure tag size 0x002c dos/dosextens.h: *91 FileInfoBlock structure tag size 0x0104 dos/dos.h: *63 dos/dosasl.h: 65, 102 FileLock structure tag size 0x0014 dos/dosextens.h: *443 FileRequester structure tag size 0x0038 libraries/asl.h: *65 FileSysEntry structure tag size 0x003e resources/filesysres.h: *33 FileSysHeaderBlock structure tag size 0x0100 devices/hardblocks.h: *152 FileSysResource structure tag size 0x0020 resources/filesysres.h: *27 FileSysStartupMsg structure tag size 0x0010 dos/filehandler.h: *86 FirstCopList pointer to struct CopList in struct UCopList +0x0004 graphics/copper.h: *86 FirstGadget pointer to struct Gadget in struct Window +0x003e intuition/intuition.h: *841 FirstGadget pointer to struct Gadget in struct NewWindow +0x0012 intuition/intuition.h: *990 FirstGadget pointer to struct Gadget in struct ExtNewWindow +0x0012 intuition/intuition.h: *1052 FirstGadget pointer to struct Gadget in struct Screen +0x0146 intuition/screens.h: *135 FirstItem pointer to struct MenuItem in struct Menu +0x0012 intuition/intuition.h: *69 FirstRequest pointer to struct Requester in struct Window +0x0024 intuition/intuition.h: *813 FirstScreen pointer to struct Screen in struct IntuitionBase +0x003c intuition/intuitionbase.h: *80 FirstWindow pointer to struct Window in struct Screen +0x0004 intuition/screens.h: *101 FirstX short int in struct AreaInfo +0x0014 graphics/rastport.h: *31 FirstY short int in struct AreaInfo +0x0016 graphics/rastport.h: *31 FlagPtr pointer to char in struct AreaInfo +0x000c graphics/rastport.h: *28 FlagTbl pointer to char in struct AreaInfo +0x0008 graphics/rastport.h: *27 Flags unsigned char in struct BitMap +0x0004 graphics/gfx.h: *52 Flags unsigned short int in struct Layer +0x001e graphics/clip.h: *42 Flags unsigned char in struct ColorMap +0x0000 graphics/view.h: *116 Flags unsigned char in struct GelsInfo +0x0001 graphics/rastport.h: *45 Flags unsigned short int in struct RastPort +0x0020 graphics/rastport.h: *72 Flags unsigned short int in struct Layer_Info +0x0058 graphics/layers.h: *43 Flags unsigned short int in struct Menu +0x000c intuition/intuition.h: *67 Flags unsigned short int in struct MenuItem +0x000c intuition/intuition.h: *95 Flags unsigned short int in struct Requester +0x001c intuition/intuition.h: *156 Flags unsigned short int in struct Gadget +0x000c intuition/intuition.h: *223 Flags unsigned short int in struct BoolInfo +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *430 Flags unsigned short int in struct PropInfo +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *454 Flags unsigned long int in struct Window +0x0018 intuition/intuition.h: *807 Flags unsigned long int in struct NewWindow +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *983 Flags unsigned long int in struct ExtNewWindow +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *1051 Flags unsigned short int in struct Screen +0x0014 intuition/screens.h: *108 Flags short int in struct VSprite +0x0014 graphics/gels.h: *90 Flags short int in struct Bob +0x0000 graphics/gels.h: *142 Flags short int in struct AnimComp +0x0000 graphics/gels.h: *170 Flags unsigned short int in struct GfxBase +0x00a8 graphics/gfxbase.h: *46 Flags unsigned long int in struct IntuitionBase +0x0040 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *82 Flags unsigned char in struct ExpansionBase +0x0022 libraries/expansionbase.h: *49 Font pointer to struct TextFont in struct RastPort +0x0034 graphics/rastport.h: *78 Font pointer to struct TextAttr in struct Screen +0x0028 intuition/screens.h: *124 Font pointer to struct TextAttr in struct NewScreen +0x0010 intuition/screens.h: *320 Font pointer to struct TextAttr in struct ExtNewScreen +0x0010 intuition/screens.h: *352 Font pointer to struct TextFont in struct StringExtend +0x0000 intuition/sghooks.h: *21 FontContents structure tag size 0x0104 libraries/diskfont.h: *30 FontContentsHeader structure tag size 0x0004 libraries/diskfont.h: *54 FontHeight char in struct Preferences +0x0000 intuition/preferences.h: *47 FontRequester structure tag size 0x0018 libraries/asl.h: *146 FreeClipRects struct MinList(size 0x000c bytes) in struct Layer_Info +0x000c graphics/layers.h: *39 FreeList structure tag size 0x0010 workbench/workbench.h: *83 FrontPen unsigned char in struct IntuiText +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *572 FrontPen unsigned char in struct Border +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *601
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