h_Data pointer to void in struct Hook +0x0010 utility/hooks.h: *28 h_Entry pointer to function returning unsigned long int in struct Hook +0x0008 utility/hooks.h: *26 h_MinNode struct MinNode(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct Hook +0x0000 utility/hooks.h: *25 h_SubEntry pointer to function returning unsigned long int in struct Hook +0x000c utility/hooks.h: *27 hash_table pointer to long int in struct GfxBase +0x015a graphics/gfxbase.h: *76 hblank struct AnalogSignalInterval(size 0x0004 bytes) in struct SpecialMonitor +0x002a graphics/monitor.h: *150 hbstop unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01c6 hardware/custom.h: *126 hbstrt unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01c4 hardware/custom.h: *125 hcenter unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01e2 hardware/custom.h: *140 hedley array [8] of unsigned long int in struct GfxBase +0x00f4 graphics/gfxbase.h: *70 hedley_count short int in struct GfxBase +0x0154 graphics/gfxbase.h: *73 hedley_flags unsigned short int in struct GfxBase +0x0156 graphics/gfxbase.h: *74 hedley_hint unsigned char in struct GfxBase +0x0162 graphics/gfxbase.h: *79 hedley_hint2 unsigned char in struct GfxBase +0x0163 graphics/gfxbase.h: *80 hedley_sprites array [8] of unsigned long int in struct GfxBase +0x0114 graphics/gfxbase.h: *71 hedley_sprites1 array [8] of unsigned long int in struct GfxBase +0x0134 graphics/gfxbase.h: *72 hedley_tmp short int in struct GfxBase +0x0158 graphics/gfxbase.h: *75 height unsigned char in struct mouth_rb +0x0059 devices/narrator.h: *131 height unsigned short int in struct SimpleSprite +0x0004 graphics/sprite.h: *24 hhposr unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01da hardware/custom.h: *136 hhposw unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01d8 hardware/custom.h: *135 hifillPen #define FILLPEN = 0x00000005 intuition/iobsolete.h: *266 hifilltextPen #define FILLTEXTPEN = 0x00000006 intuition/iobsolete.h: *267 hilighttextPen #define HIGHLIGHTTEXTPEN = 0x00000008 intuition/iobsolete.h: *269 hour unsigned short int in struct ClockData +0x0004 utility/date.h: *22 hsstop unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01c2 hardware/custom.h: *124 hsstrt unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01de hardware/custom.h: *138 hsync struct AnalogSignalInterval(size 0x0004 bytes) in struct SpecialMonitor +0x0032 graphics/monitor.h: *152 htotal unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01c0 hardware/custom.h: *123 HALFTONE_DITHERING #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200 intuition/preferences.h: *256 HAM #define 0x0800 = 0x00000800 graphics/view.h: *97 HAMLACE_KEY #define 0x00000804 = 0x00000804 graphics/displayinfo.h: *162 HAM_KEY #define 0x00000800 = 0x00000800 graphics/displayinfo.h: *158 HARDWARE_ADKBITS_H #define hardware/adkbits.h: *2 HARDWARE_BLIT_H #define hardware/blit.h: *2 HARDWARE_CIA_H #define hardware/cia.h: *2 HARDWARE_CUSTOM_H #define hardware/custom.h: *2, 1 HARDWARE_DMABITS_H #define hardware/dmabits.h: *2 HARDWARE_INTBITS_H #define hardware/intbits.h: *2 HASZOOM #define WFLG_HASZOOM = 0x20000000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *172 HD_SCSICMD #define 28 = 0x0000001c devices/scsidisk.h: *68 HFERR_BadStatus #define 45 = 0x0000002d devices/scsidisk.h: *114 HFERR_DMA #define 41 = 0x00000029 devices/scsidisk.h: *110 HFERR_NoBoard #define 50 = 0x00000032 devices/scsidisk.h: *117 HFERR_Parity #define 43 = 0x0000002b devices/scsidisk.h: *112 HFERR_Phase #define 42 = 0x0000002a devices/scsidisk.h: *111 HFERR_SelTimeout #define 44 = 0x0000002c devices/scsidisk.h: *113 HFERR_SelfUnit #define 40 = 0x00000028 devices/scsidisk.h: *109 HIGHBOX #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080 intuition/intuition.h: *128 HIGHCOMP #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040 intuition/intuition.h: *127 HIGHFLAGS #define 0x00C0 = 0x000000c0 intuition/intuition.h: *125 HIGHIMAGE #define 0x0000 = 0x00000000 intuition/intuition.h: *126 HIGHITEM #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000 intuition/intuition.h: *136 HIGHLIGHTTEXTPEN #define (0x0008) = 0x00000008 intuition/screens.h: *90 HIGHNONE #define 0x00C0 = 0x000000c0 intuition/intuition.h: *129 HIRES #define 0x8000 = 0x00008000 graphics/view.h: *101 HIRESDPF2_KEY #define 0x00008440 = 0x00008440 graphics/displayinfo.h: *170 HIRESDPF_KEY #define 0x00008400 = 0x00008400 graphics/displayinfo.h: *164 HIRESGADGET #define 0 = 0x00000000 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *43 HIRESLACEDPF2_KEY #define 0x00008444 = 0x00008444 graphics/displayinfo.h: *173 HIRESLACEDPF_KEY #define 0x00008404 = 0x00008404 graphics/displayinfo.h: *167 HIRESLACE_KEY #define 0x00008004 = 0x00008004 graphics/displayinfo.h: *160 HIRESPICK #define 0x0000 = 0x00000000 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *36 HIRES_KEY #define 0x00008000 = 0x00008000 graphics/displayinfo.h: *156 HOLDNMODIFY #define 0x800 = 0x00000800 graphics/display.h: *23 HP_LASERJET #define 0x0B = 0x0000000b intuition/preferences.h: *204 HP_LASERJET_PLUS #define 0x0C = 0x0000000c intuition/preferences.h: *205 HPotRes unsigned short int in struct PropInfo +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *490 HSIZEBITS #define 6 = 0x00000006 hardware/blit.h: *15 HSIZEMASK #define 0x3f = 0x0000003f hardware/blit.h: *17 HSYNCTRUE #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 hardware/custom.h: *159 HUNK_BREAK #define 1014 = 0x000003f6 dos/doshunks.h: *31 HUNK_BSS #define 1003 = 0x000003eb dos/doshunks.h: *20 HUNK_CODE #define 1001 = 0x000003e9 dos/doshunks.h: *18 HUNK_DATA #define 1002 = 0x000003ea dos/doshunks.h: *19 HUNK_DEBUG #define 1009 = 0x000003f1 dos/doshunks.h: *26 HUNK_DREL16 #define 1016 = 0x000003f8 dos/doshunks.h: *34 HUNK_DREL32 #define 1015 = 0x000003f7 dos/doshunks.h: *33 HUNK_DREL8 #define 1017 = 0x000003f9 dos/doshunks.h: *35 HUNK_END #define 1010 = 0x000003f2 dos/doshunks.h: *27 HUNK_EXT #define 1007 = 0x000003ef dos/doshunks.h: *24 HUNK_HEADER #define 1011 = 0x000003f3 dos/doshunks.h: *28 HUNK_INDEX #define 1019 = 0x000003fb dos/doshunks.h: *38 HUNK_LIB #define 1018 = 0x000003fa dos/doshunks.h: *37 HUNK_NAME #define 1000 = 0x000003e8 dos/doshunks.h: *17 HUNK_OVERLAY #define 1013 = 0x000003f5 dos/doshunks.h: *30 HUNK_RELOC16 #define 1005 = 0x000003ed dos/doshunks.h: *22 HUNK_RELOC32 #define 1004 = 0x000003ec dos/doshunks.h: *21 HUNK_RELOC8 #define 1006 = 0x000003ee dos/doshunks.h: *23 HUNK_SYMBOL #define 1008 = 0x000003f0 dos/doshunks.h: *25 HUNK_UNIT #define 999 = 0x000003e7 dos/doshunks.h: *16 HWAITPOS #define u3.u4.u2.HWaitPos graphics/copper.h: *51 HWaitPos short int in union (no tag) +0x0000 graphics/copper.h: *41 HeadComp pointer to struct AnimComp in struct AnimOb +0x0024 graphics/gels.h: *222 HeadOb pointer to struct AnimOb in struct AnimComp +0x001e graphics/gels.h: *195 Header struct QueryHeader(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct DisplayInfo +0x0000 graphics/displayinfo.h: *52 Header struct QueryHeader(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct DimensionInfo +0x0000 graphics/displayinfo.h: *94 Header struct QueryHeader(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct MonitorInfo +0x0000 graphics/displayinfo.h: *111 Header struct QueryHeader(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct NameInfo +0x0000 graphics/displayinfo.h: *134 Height short int in struct Layer +0x0088 graphics/clip.h: *57 Height short int in struct Menu +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *66 Height short int in struct MenuItem +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *94 Height short int in struct Requester +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *150 Height short int in struct Gadget +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *221 Height short int in struct Image +0x0006 intuition/intuition.h: *624 Height short int in struct IBox +0x0006 intuition/intuition.h: *787 Height short int in struct Window +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *800 Height short int in struct NewWindow +0x0006 intuition/intuition.h: *977 Height short int in struct ExtNewWindow +0x0006 intuition/intuition.h: *1047 Height short int in struct Screen +0x000e intuition/screens.h: *104 Height short int in struct NewScreen +0x0006 intuition/screens.h: *312 Height short int in struct ExtNewScreen +0x0006 intuition/screens.h: *348 Height short int in struct VSprite +0x001a graphics/gels.h: *98 Height short int in struct (no tag) +0x0002 intuition/imageclass.h: *166 Height short int in struct (no tag) +0x0002 intuition/imageclass.h: *183 Height short int in struct (no tag) +0x0002 intuition/imageclass.h: *198 HitMask short int in struct VSprite +0x0022 graphics/gels.h: *103 Hook structure tag size 0x0014 utility/hooks.h: *24 graphics/clip.h: 53 dos/exall.h: 63 intuition/classes.h: 29 intuition/sghooks.h: 27 HorizBody unsigned short int in struct PropInfo +0x0006 intuition/intuition.h: *484 HorizPot unsigned short int in struct PropInfo +0x0002 intuition/intuition.h: *464
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