TABLE OF CONTENTS debug.lib/KCmpStr debug.lib/KGetChar debug.lib/KGetNum debug.lib/KMayGetChar debug.lib/KPrintF debug.lib/KPutChar debug.lib/KPutStr debug.lib/KCmpStr debug.lib/KCmpStr NAME KCmpStr - compare two null terminated strings SYNOPSIS mismatch = KCmpStr(string1, string2) D0 A0 A1 FUNCTION string1 is compared to string2 using the ASCII coalating sequence. 0 indicates the strings are identical. debug.lib/KGetChar debug.lib/KGetChar NAME KGetChar - get a character from the console (defaults to the serial port at 9600 baud) SYNOPSIS char = KGetChar() D0 FUNCTION busy wait until a character arrives from the console. KGetChar is the assembly interface, _KGetChar and _kgetc are the C interfaces. debug.lib/KGetNum debug.lib/KGetNum NAME KGetNum - get a number from the console SYNOPSIS number = KGetNum() D0 FUNCTION get a signed decimal integer from the console. This will busy wait until the number arrives. debug.lib/KMayGetChar debug.lib/KMayGetChar NAME KMayGetChar - return a character if present, but don't wait (defaults to the serial port at 9600 baud) SYNOPSIS flagChar = KMayGetChar() D0 FUNCTION return either a -1, saying that there is no character present, or whatever character was waiting. KMayGetChar is the assembly interface, _KMayGetChar is the C interface. debug.lib/KPrintF debug.lib/KPrintF NAME KPrintF - print formatted data to the console (defaults to the serial port at 9600 baud) SYNOPSIS KPrintF("format string",values) A0 A1 FUNCTION print a formatted C-type string to the console. See the exec RawDoFmt() call for the supported % formatting commands. INPUTS "format string" - A C style string with % commands to indicate where paramters are to be inserted. values - A pointer to an array of paramters, to be inserted into specified places in the string. KPutFmt and KPrintF are identical assembly interfaces that want the two pointers in registers. _KPrintF and _kprintf are C interfaces that expect the format string pointer on the stack, and the paramters on the stack above that. SEE ALSO exec.library/RawDoFmt, any C compiler's "printf" call. debug.lib/KPutChar debug.lib/KPutChar NAME KPutChar - put a character to the console (defaults to the serial port at 9600 baud) SYNOPSIS char = KPutChar(char) D0 D0 FUNCTION Put a character to the console. This function will not return until the character has been completely transmitted. INPUTS KPutChar is the assembly interface, the character must be in D0. _KPutChar and _kputc are the C interfaces, the character must be a longword on the stack. debug.lib/KPutStr debug.lib/KPutStr NAME KPutStr - put a string to the console (defaults to the serial port at 9600 baud) SYNOPSIS KPutStr(string) A0 FUNCTION put a null terminated string to the console. This function will not return until the string has been completely transmitted. INPUTS KPutStr is the assembly interface, a string pointer must be in A0. _KPutStr and _kputs are the C interfaces, the string pointer must be on the stack.
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