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diskfont.library/AvailFonts                       diskfont.library/AvailFonts

	AvailFonts -- Inquire available memory & disk fonts.

	error = AvailFonts(buffer, bufBytes, flags);
	                   A0      D0        D1

	LONG AvailFonts( struct AvailFontsHeader *buffer, LONG bufBytes,
		ULONG flags );

	AvailFonts fills a user supplied buffer with the structure,
	described below, that contains information about all the
	fonts available in memory and/or on disk.  Those fonts
	available on disk need to be loaded into memory and opened
	via OpenDiskFont, those already in memory are accessed via
	OpenFont.  The TextAttr structure required by the open calls
	is part of the information AvailFonts supplies.

	When AvailFonts fails, it returns the number of extra bytes
	it needed to complete the command.  Add this number to your
	current buffer size, allocate a new buffer, and try again.

	buffer - memory to be filled with struct AvailFontsHeader
		followed by an array of AvailFonts elements, which
		contains entries for the available fonts and their

	bufBytes - the number of bytes in the buffer
	flags - AFF_MEMORY is set to search memory for fonts to fill
		the structure, AFF_DISK is set to search the disk for
		fonts to fill the structure.  AFF_SCALED is set to
		not filter out memory fonts that are not designed.
		Any combination may be specified.  AFF_TAGGED is set
		to fill the buffer with TAvailFonts elements instead
		of AvailFonts elements.

	buffer - filled with struct AvailFontsHeader followed by the
		[T]AvailFonts elements, There will be duplicate entries
		for fonts found both in memory and on disk, differing
		only by type.  The existence of a disk font in the
		buffer indicates that it exists as an entry in a font
		contents file -- the underlying font file has not been
		checked for validity, thus an OpenDiskFont of it may
	error - if non-zero, this indicates the number of bytes needed
		for AvailFonts in addition to those supplied.  Thus
		structure elements were not returned because of
		insufficient bufBytes.

	int afShortage, afSize;
	struct AvailFontsHeader *afh;


	afSize = 400;
	do {
	    afh = (struct AvailFontsHeader *) AllocMem(afSize, 0);
	    if (afh) {
	        afShortage = AvailFonts(afh, afSize, AFF_MEMORY|AFF_DISK);
	        if (afShortage) {
	            FreeMem(afh, afSize);
	            afSize += afShortage;
	    else {
	        fail("AllocMem of AvailFonts buffer afh failed\n");
	    while (afShortage);

	 * if (afh) non-zero here, then:
	 * 1. it points to a valid AvailFontsHeader
	 * 2. it must have FreeMem(afh, afSize) called for it after use

diskfont.library/DisposeFontContents     diskfont.library/DisposeFontContents

	DisposeFontContents -- Free the result from NewFontContents. (V34)


	VOID DisposeFontContents( struct FontContentsHeader * );

	This function frees the array of FontContents entries
	returned by NewFontContents.

	fontContentsHeader - a struct FontContentsHeader pointer
	    returned by NewFontContents.

 	This command was first made available as of version 34.

	A fontContentsHeader other than one acquired by a call
	NewFontContents will crash.

	NewFontContents to get structure freed here.

diskfont.library/NewFontContents             diskfont.library/NewFontContents

	NewFontContents -- Create a FontContents image for a font. (V34)

	fontContentsHeader = NewFontContents(fontsLock,fontName)
       D0                                   A0        A1

	struct FontContentsHeader *NewFontContents( BPTR, char * );

	This function creates a new array of FontContents entries
	that describe all the fonts associated with the fontName,
	specifically, all those in the font directory whose name
	is that of the font sans the ".font" suffix.

	fontsLock - a DOS lock on the FONTS: directory (or other
	    directory where the font contents file and associated
	    font directory resides).
	fontName - the font name, with the ".font" suffix, which
	    is also the name of the font contents file.

	fontContentsHeader - a struct FontContentsHeader pointer.

	This command was first made available as of version 34.

	D0 is zero if the fontName is does not have a ".font" suffix,
	if the fontName is too long, if a DOS error occurred, or if
	memory could not be allocated for the fontContentsHeader.

	DisposeFontContents to free the structure acquired here.

diskfont.library/NewScaledDiskFont         diskfont.library/NewScaledDiskFont

	NewScaledDiskFont -- Create a DiskFont scaled from another. (V36)

	header = NewScaledDiskFont(srcFont, destTextAttr)
	D0                         A0       A1

	struct DiskFontHeader *NewScaledDiskFont( struct TextFont *,
		struct TTextAttr * );

	srcFont - the font from which the scaled font is to be
	destTextAttr - the desired attributes for the new scaled
	    font.  This may be a structure of type TextAttr or

	header - a pointer to a DiskFontHeader structure.  This is not
		being managed by the diskfont.library, however.

	o   This function may use the blitter.
	o   Fonts containing characters that render wholly outside
	    the character advance cell are currently not scalable.
	o   The font, and memory allocated for the scaled font can
	    can be freed by calling StripFont() on the font,
	    and then calling UnLoadSeg() on the segment created
	    by this function.

	    Both the TextFont structure, and segment pointer are contained
	    within the DiskFontHeader struct.  The DiskFontHeader structure
	    will also be freed as part of the UnLoadSeg() call.
	    StripFont() is a new graphics.library call as of V36.

diskfont.library/OpenDiskFont                   diskfont.library/OpenDiskFont

       OpenDiskFont - load and get a pointer to a disk font.

       font = OpenDiskFont(textAttr)
       D0                  A0

       This function finds the font with the specified textAttr on
       disk, loads it into memory, and returns a pointer to the font
       that can be used in subsequent SetFont and CloseFont calls.
       It is important to match this call with a corresponding
       CloseFont call for effective management of font memory.

       If the font is already in memory, the copy in memory is used.
       The disk copy is not reloaded.

       textAttr - a TextAttr structure that describes the text font
               attributes desired.

       D0 is zero if the desired font cannot be found.

       As of V36, OpenDiskFont() will automatically attempt to
       construct a font for you if:

               You have requested a font size which does not exist
               as a designed font, and

               You have not set the DESIGNED bit in the ta_Flags
               field of the TextAttr, or TTextAttr struct.

       Constructed fonts are created by scaling a designed font.
       A designed font is one which typically resides on disk,
       or in ROM (e.g., a font which has been designed by hand
       using a drawing tool).  Designed fonts generally look better
       than fonts constructed by the font scaler, but designed
       fonts also require disk space for each font size.

       Always set the DESIGNED bit if you do not want constructed fonts,
       or use AvailFonts() to find out which font sizes already exist.

       This routine will not work well with font names whose file
       name components are longer than the maximum allowed
       (30 characters).


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