TABLE OF CONTENTS cia.resource/AbleICR cia.resource/AddICRVector cia.resource/RemICRVector cia.resource/SetICR cia.resource/AbleICR cia.resource/AbleICR NAME AbleICR -- Enable/disable ICR interrupts. SYNOPSIS oldMask = AbleICR( Resource, mask ) D0 A6 D0 WORD AbleICR( struct Library *, WORD ); FUNCTION This function provides a means of enabling and disabling 8520 CIA interrupt control registers. In addition it returns the previous enable mask. INPUTS mask A bit mask indicating which interrupts to be modified. If bit 7 is clear the mask indicates interrupts to be disabled. If bit 7 is set, the mask indicates interrupts to be enabled. Bit positions are identical to those in 8520 ICR. RESULTS oldMask The previous enable mask before the requested changes. To get the current mask without making changes, call the function with a null parameter. EXAMPLES Get the current mask: mask = AbleICR(0) Enable both timer interrupts: AbleICR(0x83) Disable serial port interrupt: AbleICR(0x08) EXCEPTIONS Enabling the mask for a pending interrupt will cause an immediate processor interrupt (that is if everything else is enabled). You may want to clear the pending interrupts with SetICR() prior to enabling them. NOTE The CIA resources are special in that there is more than one of them in the system. Because of this, the C language stubs in amiga.lib for the CIA resources require an extra parameter to specify which CIA resource to use. The synopsys for the amiga.lib stubs is as follows: oldMask = AbleICR( Resource, mask ) D0 A6 D0 WORD AbleICR( struct Library *, WORD ); SEE ALSO cia.resource/SetICR() cia.resource/AddICRVector cia.resource/AddICRVector NAME AddICRVector -- attach an interrupt handler to a CIA bit. SYNOPSIS interrupt = AddICRVector( Resource, iCRBit, interrupt ) D0 A6 D0 A1 struct Interrupt *AddICRVector( struct Library *, WORD, struct Interrupt * ); FUNCTION Assign interrupt processing code to a particular interrupt bit of the CIA ICR. If the interrupt bit has already been assigned, this function will fail, and return a pointer to the owner interrupt. If it succeeds, a null is returned. This function will also enable the CIA interrupt for the given ICR bit. INPUTS iCRBit Bit number to set (0..4). interrupt Pointer to interrupt structure. RESULT interrupt Zero if successful, otherwise returns a pointer to the current owner interrupt structure. NOTE A processor interrupt may be generated immediatly if this call is successful. In general, it is probably best to only call this function while DISABLED so that the resource to which the interrupt handler is being attached may be set to a known state before the handler is called. You MUST NOT change the state of the resource before attaching your handler to it. The CIA resources are special in that there is more than one of them in the system. Because of this, the C language stubs in amiga.lib for the CIA resources require an extra parameter to specify which CIA resource to use. The synopsys for the amiga.lib stubs is as follows: interrupt = AddICRVector( Resource, iCRBit, interrupt ) D0 A6 D0 A1 struct Interrupt *AddICRVector( struct Library *, WORD, struct Interrupt *); ***WARNING*** Never assume that any of the CIA hardware is free for use. Always use the AddICRVector() function to obtain ownership of the CIA hardware registers your code will use. Note that there are two (2) interval timers per CIA. If your application needs one of the interval timers, you can try to obtain any one of the four (4) until AddICRVector() succeeds. If all four interval timers are in-use, your application should exit cleanly. If you just want ownership of a CIA hardware timer, or register, but do not want interrupts generated, use the AddICRVector() function to obtain ownership, and use the AbleICR() function to turn off (or on) interrupts as needed. Note that CIA-B generates level 6 interrupts (which can degrade system performance by blocking lower priority interrupts). As usual, interrupt handling code should be optimized for speed. Always call RemICRVector() when your code exits to release ownership of any CIA hardware obtained with AddICRVector(). SEE ALSO cia.resource/RemICRVector(), cia.resource/AbleICR() cia.resource/RemICRVector cia.resource/RemICRVector NAME RemICRVector -- Detach an interrupt handler from a CIA bit. SYNOPSIS RemICRVector( Resource, iCRBit, interrupt ) A6 D0 A1 void RemICRVector( struct Library *, WORD, struct Interrupt *); FUNCTION Disconnect interrupt processing code for a particular interrupt bit of the CIA ICR. This function will also disable the CIA interrupt for the given ICR bit. INPUTS iCRBit Bit number to set (0..4). interrupt Pointer to interrupt structure. RESULT NOTE The CIA resources are special in that there is more than one of them in the system. Because of this, the C language stubs in amiga.lib for the CIA resources require an extra parameter to specify which CIA resource to use. The synopsys for the amiga.lib stubs is as follows: RemICRVector( Resource, iCRBit, interrupt ) A6 D0 A1 void RemICRVector( struct Library *, WORD, struct Interrupt *); SEE ALSO cia.resource/AddICRVector() cia.resource/SetICR cia.resource/SetICR NAME SetICR -- Cause, clear, and sample ICR interrupts. SYNOPSIS oldMask = SetICR( Resource, mask ) D0 A6 D0 WORD SetICR( struct Library *, WORD ); FUNCTION This function provides a means of reseting, causing, and sampling 8520 CIA interrupt control registers. INPUTS mask A bit mask indicating which interrupts to be effected. If bit 7 is clear the mask indicates interrupts to be reset. If bit 7 is set, the mask indicates interrupts to be caused. Bit positions are identical to those in 8520 ICR. RESULTS oldMask The previous interrupt register status before making the requested changes. To sample current status without making changes, call the function with a null parameter. EXAMPLES Get the interrupt mask: mask = SetICR(0) Clear serial port interrupt: SetICR(0x08) NOTE The CIA resources are special in that there is more than one of them in the system. Because of this, the C language stubs in amiga.lib for the CIA resources require an extra parameter to specify which CIA resource to use. The synopsys for the amiga.lib stubs is as follows: oldMask = SetICR( Resource, mask ) D0 A6 D0 WORD SetICR( struct Library *, WORD ); ***WARNING*** Never read the contents of the CIA interrupt control registers directly. Reading the contents of one of the CIA interrupt control registers clears the register. This can result in interrupts being missed by critical operating system code, and other applications. EXCEPTIONS Setting an interrupt bit for an enabled interrupt will cause an immediate interrupt. SEE ALSO cia.resource/AbleICR()
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