NAME Debug -- run the system debugger SYNOPSIS Debug(flags) D0 void Debug(ULONG); FUNCTION This function calls the system debugger. By default this debugger is "SAD" in >= V39 and "ROM-WACK" in < V39. Other debuggers are encouraged to take over this entry point (via SetFunction()) so that when an application calls Debug(), the alternative debugger will get control. Currently a zero is passed to allow future expansion. NOTE The Debug() call may be made when the system is in a questionable state; if you have a SetFunction() patch, make few assumptions, be prepared for Supervisor mode, and be aware of differences in the Motorola stack frames on the 68000,'10,'20,'30,'40 (etc.) BUGS In ROMWack, calling this function in SUPERVISOR state would have caused the a5 register to be trashed and the user stack pointer to be trashed. As of V39 (and the instroduction of SAD) this is no longer the case. However, calling this function in Supervisor state is a bit "tricky" at best... Note that due to a bug, pre-V40 SAD had the command codes wrong. See the SAD autodoc for more details. SEE ALSO SetFunction() your favorite debugger's manual... the SAD autodocs... the ROM-WACK chapter of the ROM Kernel Manual... (pre-V39)
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