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	LoadRGB4 -- Load RGB color values from table.

	LoadRGB4( vp, colors , count )
                 a0  	a1     d0:16

	void LoadRGB4( struct ViewPort *, UWORD *, WORD);

   	load the count words of the colormap from table starting at
	entry 0.

	vp - pointer to ViewPort, whose colors you wish to change
	colors - pointer to table of RGB values set up as an array
	         of USHORTS
		 	background--  0x0RGB
			color1	  --  0x0RGB
			color2    --  0x0RGB
			 etc.         UWORD per value.
		The colors are interpreted as 15 = maximum intensity.
		                              0 = minimum intensity.
	count	= number of UWORDs in the table to load into the
	  colormap starting at color 0(background) and proceeding
	  to the next higher color number

	The ViewPort should have a pointer to a valid ColorMap to store
	the colors in.
	Updates the hardware copperlist to reflect the new colors.
	Updates the intermediate copperlist with the new colors.


	NOTE: Under V36 and up, it is not safe to call this function
	from an interrupt, due to semaphore protection of graphics
	copper lists.

	SetRGB4() GetRGB4() GetColorMap() graphics/view.h

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