NAME IND_WRITEEVENT -- Propagate an input event to all handlers FUNCTION IO REQUEST io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice io_Unit preset by the call to OpenDevice io_Command IND_WRITEEVENT io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible io_Length should be sizeof(struct InputEvent) io_Data a pointer to the struct InputEvent: ie_NextEvent will be ignored. ie_Class ie_SubClass ie_Code ie_Qualifier ie_X, ie_Y as desired ie_TimeStamp will be set by this call (V36) NOTES The contents of the input event are destroyed. This function was documented in V34 and earlier to allow chaining of events via ie_NextEvent. The implementation never allowed that. The documentation now reflects this. ie_TimeStamp is set only in V36 and later. Software written to run on earlier versions should set this field to the current time.
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