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	FillRexxMsg - Fill the argument strings as needed

	result = FillRexxMsg(msgptr, count, mask)
	D0                   A0      D0     D1 [0:15]

	BOOL FillRexxMsg(struct RexxMsg *,ULONG,ULONG);

	This function will convert and install up to 16 argument strings into
	a RexxMsg structure.  The message packet's argument fields must be
	set to either a pointer to a NULL terminated string or an integer value
	The mask, bits 0 to 15, correspond to the type of value is stored
	in the argument slot.  If the bit is cleared, the argument is a
	string pointer; if the bit is set, the argument is an integer.

	msgptr - Pointer to a RexxMsg (allocated via CreateRexxMsg)
	count - The number of argument slots to fill in.  This number should
	        be from 1 to 16.

	mask - A bit mask corresponding to the 16 fields that is used to
	       determine the type of the field.

	result - A boolean.  If it is TRUE, the call worked.  If it is false,
	         some allocation did not work.  All argstrings that were
	         created will be released.

	ClearRexxMsg(), CreateArgstring(), DeleteArgstring(), CreateRexxMsg()


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