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**	$VER: colorwheel.h 44.1 (19.10.1999)
**	Includes Release 44.1
**	Definitions for the colorwheel BOOPSI class
**	(C) Copyright 1987-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved


#include <utility/tagitem.h>


/* For use with the WHEEL_HSB tag */
struct ColorWheelHSB
    ULONG cw_Hue;
    ULONG cw_Saturation;
    ULONG cw_Brightness;

/* For use with the WHEEL_RGB tag */
struct ColorWheelRGB
    ULONG cw_Red;
    ULONG cw_Green;
    ULONG cw_Blue;


#define WHEEL_Dummy	     (TAG_USER+0x04000000)
#define WHEEL_Hue	     (WHEEL_Dummy+1)   /* set/get Hue		   */
#define WHEEL_Saturation     (WHEEL_Dummy+2)   /* set/get Saturation	    */
#define WHEEL_Brightness     (WHEEL_Dummy+3)   /* set/get Brightness	    */
#define WHEEL_HSB	     (WHEEL_Dummy+4)   /* set/get ColorWheelHSB     */
#define WHEEL_Red	     (WHEEL_Dummy+5)   /* set/get Red		    */
#define WHEEL_Green	     (WHEEL_Dummy+6)   /* set/get Green	    */
#define WHEEL_Blue	     (WHEEL_Dummy+7)   /* set/get Blue		    */
#define WHEEL_RGB	     (WHEEL_Dummy+8)   /* set/get ColorWheelRGB     */
#define WHEEL_Screen	     (WHEEL_Dummy+9)   /* init screen/enviroment    */
#define WHEEL_Abbrv	     (WHEEL_Dummy+10)  /* "GCBMRY" if English	    */
#define WHEEL_Donation	     (WHEEL_Dummy+11)  /* colors donated by app     */
#define WHEEL_BevelBox	     (WHEEL_Dummy+12)  /* inside a bevel box	    */
#define WHEEL_GradientSlider (WHEEL_Dummy+13)  /* attached gradient slider  */
#define WHEEL_MaxPens	     (WHEEL_Dummy+14)  /* max # of pens to allocate */



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