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**	$VER: tagitem.h 40.1 (19.7.1993)
**	Includes Release 44.1
**	Extended specification mechanism
**	(C) Copyright 1989-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	All Rights Reserved


#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>


/* Tags are a general mechanism of extensible data arrays for parameter
 * specification and property inquiry. In practice, tags are used in arrays,
 * or chain of arrays.

typedef ULONG Tag;

struct TagItem
    Tag	  ti_Tag;	/* identifies the type of data */
    ULONG ti_Data;	/* type-specific data	       */

/* constants for Tag.ti_Tag, control tag values */
#define TAG_DONE   (0L)	  /* terminates array of TagItems. ti_Data unused */
#define TAG_END	   (0L)   /* synonym for TAG_DONE			  */
#define	TAG_IGNORE (1L)	  /* ignore this item, not end of array		  */
#define	TAG_MORE   (2L)	  /* ti_Data is pointer to another array of TagItems
			   * note that this tag terminates the current array
#define	TAG_SKIP   (3L)	  /* skip this and the next ti_Data items	  */

/* differentiates user tags from control tags */
#define TAG_USER   ((ULONG)(1L<<31))

/* If the TAG_USER bit is set in a tag number, it tells utility.library that
 * the tag is not a control tag (like TAG_DONE, TAG_IGNORE, TAG_MORE) and is
 * instead an application tag. "USER" means a client of utility.library in
 * general, including system code like Intuition or ASL, it has nothing to do
 * with user code.


/* Tag filter logic specifiers for use with FilterTagItems() */
#define TAGFILTER_AND 0		/* exclude everything but filter hits	*/
#define TAGFILTER_NOT 1		/* exclude only filter hits		*/


/* Mapping types for use with MapTags() */
#define MAP_REMOVE_NOT_FOUND 0	/* remove tags that aren't in mapList */
#define MAP_KEEP_NOT_FOUND   1	/* keep tags that aren't in mapList   */


#endif /* UTILITY_TAGITEM_H */

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