Unlike some microcomputer operating systems, the Amiga OS relies on absolute memory addresses as little as possible. Instead the Amiga OS uses a technique (sometimes referred to as soft machine architecture) which allows system routines and data structures to be positioned anywhere in memory. Amiga run-time libraries may be positioned anywhere in memory because they are always accessed through a jump table. Each library whether in ROM or loaded from disk has an associated Library structure and jump table in RAM. Low Memory /|\ | _________|_________ | | | JMP Function N | | · | | · | | JMP Function 3 | | JMP Function 2 | | JMP Function 1 | Library Base____|___________________| | | | Library Structure | |___________________| | | | Data Area | |___________________| | | \|/ High Memory Figure 1-2: Amiga Library Structure and Jump Table The system knows where the jump table starts in RAM because when a library is opened for the first time, Exec creates the library structure and keeps track of its location. The order of the entries in the library's jump table is always preserved between versions of the OS but the functions they point to can be anywhere in memory. Hence, system routines in ROM may be moved from one version of the OS to another. Given the location of the jump table and the appropriate offset into the table, any function can always be found. Not only are system routines relocatable but system data structures are too. In the Amiga's multitasking environment, multiple applications run at the same time and each may have its own screen, memory, open files, and even its own subtasks. Since any number of application tasks are run and stopped at the user's option, system data structures have to be set up as needed. They cannot be set up ahead of time at a fixed memory location because there is no way to tell how many and what type will be needed. The Amiga system software manages this confusion by using linked lists of information about items such as libraries, tasks, screens, files and available memory. A linked list is a chain of data items with each data item containing a pointer to the next item in the chain. Given a pointer to the first item in a linked list, pointers to all the other items in the chain can be found. Exec: The System Executive
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