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The following are brief descriptions of the Intuition functions that
relate to the use of Intuition windows.  See the Amiga ROM Kernel
Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for details on each function call.

                Table 4-2: Functions for Intuition Windows
 |                                                                      |
 |          Function                  Description                       |
 |    OpenWindowTagList()  Open a window.                               |
 |       OpenWindowTags()  Alternate calling sequence for               |
 |                         OpenWindowTagList().                         |
 |           OpenWindow()  Pre-V36 way to open a window.                |
 |          CloseWindow()  Close a window.                              |
 |         BeginRefresh()  Turn on optimized window refresh mode.       |
 |           EndRefresh()  Turn off optimized window refresh mode.      |
 |   RefreshWindowFrame()  Redraw the borders and border gadgets of an  |
 |                         open window.                                 |
 |       ActivateWindow()  Make an open window active.                  |
 |           SizeWindow()  Change the size of an open window.           |
 |           MoveWindow()  Change the position of an open window.       |
 |      ChangeWindowBox()  Change the size and position of an open      |
 |                         window.                                      |
 |         WindowLimits()  Change the minimum and maximum sizes of an   |
 |                         open window.                                 |
 |         WindowToBack()  Move a window behind all other windows.      |
 |        WindowToFront()  Move a window in front of all other windows. |
 |  MoveWindowInFrontOf()  Move a window in front of another window.    |
 |            ZipWindow()  Change the size of window to its alternate   |
 |                         size.                                        |
 |      SetWindowTitles()  Change the window titles for the window and  |
 |                         the screen.                                  |
 |           SetPointer()  Set up a custom pointer to display whenever  |
 |                         the window is active.                        |
 |         ClearPointer()  Restore the mouse pointer to its default     |
 |                         imagery.                                     |

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