When Workbench loads and starts a program, its sends the program a WBStartup message containing the arguments as summarized above. Normally, the startup code supplied with your compiler will place a pointer to WBStartup in argv for you, set argc to zero and call your program. The WBStartup message, whose structure is outlined in <workbench/startup.h>, has the following structure elements: struct WBStartup { struct Message sm_Message; /* a standard message structure */ struct MsgPort * sm_Process; /* process descriptor for you */ BPTR sm_Segment; /* a descriptor for your code */ LONG sm_NumArgs; /* number of elements in ArgList */ char * sm_ToolWindow; /* reserved for future use */ struct WBArg * sm_ArgList; /* the arguments themselves */ }; The fields of the WBStartup structure are used as follows. sm_Message A standard Exec message. The reply port is set to the Workbench. sm_Process The process descriptor for the tool (as returned by CreateProc()) sm_Segment The loaded code for the tool (returned by LoadSeg()) sm_NumArgs The number of arguments in sm_ArgList sm_ToolWindow Reserved (not currently passed in startup message) sm_ArgList This is the argument list itself. It is a pointer to an array of WBArg structures with sm_NumArgs elements. Workbench arguments are passed as an array of WBArg structures in the sm_ArgList field of WBStartup. The first WBArg in the list is always the tool itself. If multiple icons have been selected when a tool is activated, the selected icons are passed to the tool as additional WBArgs. If the tool was derived from a default tool, the project will be the second WBArg. If extended select was used, arguments other than the tool are passed in the order of selection; the first icon selected will be first (after the tool), and so on. Each argument is a struct WBArg and has two parts: wa_Name and wa_Lock. struct WBArg { BPTR wa_Lock; /* a lock descriptor */ BYTE * wa_Name; /* a string relative to that lock */ }; The wa_Name element is the name of an AmigaDOS filing system object. The wa_Name field of the first WBArg is always the name of your program and the wa_Lock field is an AmigaDOS Lock on the directory where your program is stored. If your program was started by activating a project icon, then you get a second WBarg with the wa_Name field containing the file name of the project and the wa_Lock containing an AmigaDOS Lock on the directory where the project file is stored. If your program was started through extended select, then you get one WBArg for each icon in the selected group in the order they were selected. The wa_Name field contains the file name corresponding to each icon unless the icon is for a directory, disk, or the Trashcan in which case the wa_Name is set to NULL. The wa_Lock field contains an AmigaDOS Lock on the directory where the file is stored. (For disk or drawer icons the wa_Lock is a lock on the directory represented by the icon. Or, wa_Lock may be NULL if the icon type does not support locks.) Workbench Locks Belong to Workbench. ------------------------------------ You must never call UnLock() on a wa_Lock. These locks belong to Workbench, and Workbench will UnLock() them when the WBStartup message is replied by your startup code. You must also never UnLock() your program's initial current directory lock (i.e., the lock returned by an initial CurrentDir() call). The classic symptom caused by unlocking Workbench locks is a system hang after your program exits, even though the same program exits with no problems when started from the Shell. You should save the lock returned from an initial CurrentDir(), and CurrentDir() back to it before exiting. In the Workbench environment, depending on your startup code, the current directory will generally be set to one of the wa_Locks. By using CurrentDir(wa_Lock) and then referencing wa_Name, you can find, read, and modify the files that have been passed to your program as WBArgs.
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