There are three major television standards in common use around the world: NTSC, PAL, and SECAM. NTSC is used primarily in the United States and Japan; PAL and SECAM are used primarily in Europe. The Amiga currently supports both NTSC and PAL. The major differences between the two systems are refresh frequency and the number of scan lines produced. Where necessary, the differences will be described and any special considerations will be mentioned. The Amiga produces its video displays on standard television or video monitors by using raster display techniques. The picture you see on the video display screen is made up of a series of horizontal video lines stacked one on top of another, as illustrated in the following figure. Each line represents one sweep of an electronic video beam, which "paints" the picture as it moves along. The beam sweeps from left to right, producing the full screen one line at a time. After producing the full screen, the beam returns to the top of the display screen. Figure 27-1: How the Video Display Picture Is Produced The diagonal lines in the figure show how the video beam returns to the start of each horizontal line. Effect of Display Overscan on the Viewing Area Color Information for the Video Lines
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