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The following code prepares the View structure for further use:

    InitView(&view);      /* Initialize the View.          */
    view.Modes |= LACE;   /* Only interlaced, 1.3 displays */
                          /* require this                  */

For Release 2 applications, a ViewExtra structure must also be created
with GfxNew() and associated with this View with GfxAssociate() as shown
in the example programs RGBBoxes.c and WBClone.c.

    /* Form the ModeID from values in <displayinfo.h> */

    /* Make the ViewExtra structure */
    if( vextra=GfxNew(VIEW_EXTRA_TYPE) )
        /* Attach the ViewExtra to the View */
        GfxAssociate(&view , vextra);
        view.Modes |= EXTEND_VSTRUCT;

        /* Initialize the MonitorSpec field of the ViewExtra */
        if( monspec=OpenMonitor(NULL,modeID) )
            fail("Could not get MonitorSpec\n");
     else fail("Could not get ViewExtra\n");

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