by Carolyn Scheppner It is almost impossible for a human being to develop software without including some bugs. Some bugs make themselves known rather quickly. Other bugs are not so easy to notice. For example, two hard to find bugs that sometimes slip past developers are using uninitialized pointers and using memory which has already been freed. These bugs often reference semi-random memory, which contains semi-random data. Typically the behavior of the software depends on the data passed to it. If that data is erratic, the behavior of the software will also be erratic. Because the behavior is erratic and unpredictable, the problem is very hard to spot. Quite often, bugs like these go unnoticed until software is running in a real user's multitasking environment. Fortunately, debugging tools like Enforcer and Mungwall (and for assembler programmers, Scratch by Bill Hawes) help uncover hidden bugs. Enforcer is a debugging tool written by Bryce Nesbitt. Its job is to report any attempts to access regions of the Amiga address space that are off-limits to applications. These off-limits accesses include reading and writing to the lowest 1K range of memory (except for reading ExecBase from $4), writing to the Kickstart ROM, and reading and writing to non-existent memory ranges. Enforcer requires that the CPU has access to an MMU (Memory Management Unit) to catch reads and writes to memory. Most 68020 based accelerator boards have MMU chips on them. An MMU is built-in to each 68030 and 68040 CPU (currently Enforcer does not support 68040). When an application tries to read a memory location that has been read-protected by Enforcer, Enforcer intercepts that memory read, reports the illegal memory access (known as an ``Enforcer hit''), and shows the application a zero instead of the contents of the memory address. The application has no idea that Enforcer did anything. When an application tries to write to a memory location that has been write-protected by Enforcer, Enforcer prevents the illegal memory write and issues an Enforcer hit. Enforcer is even more powerful when used in combination with Mungwall. Mungwall was written by Ewout Walraven and is based on Memmung by Bryce Nesbitt and Memwall by Randell Jesup. The ``mung'' part of Mungwall fills all of free memory (and all subsequently freed memory) with a large, odd, 32-bit value. An odd value is likely to cause serious problems for any program that uses wild or uninitialized pointers, or uses memory after it has been freed. Unlike Enforcer, Mungwall does not require any special hardware. Mungwall can run without Enforcer and on non-MMU machines. Mungwall uses several special 32-bit values to ``mung'' memory which helps diagnose problems: Except when Enforcer is running, Mungwall sets location zero to $C0DEDBAD. Normally, location zero is $00000000. By putting an odd, non-zero value in location zero, any erroneous references to location zero are much more likely to show themselves. For example, a program that references location zero as character array will see a string that starts with the ASCII values $C0 $DE $DB $AD, rather than seeing a NULL string. When Mungwall starts up, it sets all free memory to $ABADCAFE. If this number shows up while an application is running, it is likely that someone is referencing memory in the free list. When a program allocates memory, Mungwall sets that memory to $DEADF00D (Except when allocating memory with MEMF_CLEAR). When an application accidentally accesses its memory before initializing it, the application will find the well-known value $DEADF00D rather than some random value that happened to be left in memory. Mungwall fills deallocated memory with $DEADBEEF, which makes using freed memory bugs much more obvious. The ``wall'' part of Mungwall allocates extra memory before and after every memory allocation and fills this memory ``wall'' with a fill pattern (normally $BB) and some information Mungwall uses to perform certain tests on an application's memory blocks: When an application deallocates memory, Mungwall reports when the size of the deallocated memory block does not match its size when it was allocated. Mungwall reports when a memory block's ``walls'' have been overwritten. Mungwall reports allocations and deallocations of memory blocks that are zero bytes long and deallocations of memory blocks that start at location zero. Mungwall has an option to ``snoop'' and report on all memory allocations and deallocations for all tasks or specific tasks. This feature can be useful when tracking down memory losses. Because the snoop option can generate so many reports, the output can be run through the snoopstrip program which will throw away all matching allocate/deallocate pairs. The Debugging Setup Sample Enforcer Output Sample Mungwall Output Using Enforcer and Mungwall Together A Sample Debugging Session More Remote Debugging Tips Who Should Use Enforcer and Mungwall
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