Enforcer and Mungwall both output their debugging information to the serial port at the baud rate to which the Amiga's serial hardware is currently set. After powerup, the serial hardware is set to 9600 baud. You can use a terminal package to alter the current baud rate setting. To set up an Amiga for serial debugging, connect your Amiga's serial port via a NULL-modem serial cable to a terminal. The best debugging setup is to connect your Amiga to another computer running a terminal package. Ideally the terminal package should have an ASCII capture mode so it can capture all the serial debugging output and save it to a file for examination. The terminal package should also beep when it receives a CTRL-G, as both Enforcer and Mungwall send a CTRL-G beep with each Enforcer/Mungwall hit. There are several less effective alternatives to using Enforcer and Mungwall with a remote terminal. Both can send their output to a serial printer. There are special versions of both Enforcer and Mungwall that send their output to the parallel port (Enforcer.par and Mungwall.par) for output to a parallel printer. In a pinch, attach a modem to the serial port and run a terminal package set to the modem's baud rate. As long as the modem has not made any telephone connection, the modem will bounce back any Enforcer or Mungwall hits that come through the serial port, which the terminal package can capture. Because the debugging information has to move at modem's baud rate, the modem method tends to lose data, especially when there is a lot Enforcer/Mungwall hits.
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