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The console device operates like the other Amiga devices.  To use it, you
must first open the console device, then send I/O requests to it, and then
close it when finished.  See the "Introduction to Amiga System Devices"
chapter for general information on device usage.

The I/O request used by the console device is called IOStdReq.

   struct IOStdReq
       struct  Message io_Message;
       struct  Device  *io_Device;/* device node pointer  */
       struct  Unit    *io_Unit;  /* unit (driver private)*/
       UWORD   io_Command;        /* device command */
       UBYTE   io_Flags;
       BYTE    io_Error;          /* error or warning num */
       ULONG   io_Actual;         /* actual number of bytes transferred */
       ULONG   io_Length;         /* requested number bytes transferred*/
       APTR    io_Data;           /* points to data area */
       ULONG   io_Offset;         /* offset for block structured devices */

See the include file exec/io.h for the complete structure definition.

 Console Device Units 
 Opening The Console Device 
 Closing The Console Device 

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