NAME BehindLayer -- Put layer behind other layers. SYNOPSIS result = BehindLayer( dummy, l ) d0 a0 a1 LONG BehindLayer( LONG, struct Layer *); FUNCTION Move this layer to the most behind position swapping bits in and out of the display with other layers. If other layers are REFRESH then collect their damage lists and set the LAYERREFRESH bit in the Flags fields of those layers that may be revealed. If this layer is a backdrop layer then put this layer behind all other backdrop layers. If this layer is NOT a backdrop layer then put in front of the top backdrop layer and behind all other layers. Note: this operation may generate refresh events in other layers associated with this layer's Layer_Info structure. INPUTS dummy - unused l - pointer to a layer RESULTS result - TRUE if operation successful FALSE if operation unsuccessful (probably out of memory) BUGS SEE ALSO graphics/layers.h, graphics/clip.h
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