NAME Write -- send output to parallel port FUNCTION This command causes a stream of characters to be written to the parallel output register. The number of characters is specified in io_Length, unless -1 is used, in which case output is sent until a zero byte occurs in the data. This is independent of, and may be used simultaneously with setting the EOFMODE in io_ParFlags and using the PTermArray to terminate the read or write. IO REQUEST io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized io_Device set by OpenDevice io_Unit set by OpenDevice io_Command CMD_WRITE (03) io_Flags If IOF_QUICK is set, driver will attempt Quick IO io_Length number of characters to transmit, or if set to -1 send until zero byte encountered io_Data pointer to block of data to transmit RESULTS io_Error -- If the Write succeded, then io_Error will be null. If the Write failed, then io_Error will contain an error code. SEE ALSO parallel.device/PDCMD_SETPARAMS
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