_cliprects pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x0040 graphics/clip.h: *50 _CopList pointer to struct CopList in struct CopList +0x0004 graphics/copper.h: *66 cb_ConfigDev pointer to struct ConfigDev in struct CurrentBinding +0x0000 libraries/configvars.h: *59 cb_FileName pointer to unsigned char in struct CurrentBinding +0x0004 libraries/configvars.h: *60 cb_ProductString pointer to unsigned char in struct CurrentBinding +0x0008 libraries/configvars.h: *61 cb_ToolTypes pointer to pointer to unsigned char in struct CurrentBinding +0x000c libraries/configvars.h: *62 cbh_CBport struct MsgPort(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct ClipboardHandle +0x0034 libraries/iffparse.h: *118 cbh_Req struct IOClipReq(size 0x0034 bytes) in struct ClipboardHandle +0x0000 libraries/iffparse.h: *117 cbh_SatisfyPort struct MsgPort(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct ClipboardHandle +0x0056 libraries/iffparse.h: *119 ccode pointer to function returning int in struct Isrvstr +0x0016 graphics/graphint.h: *25 cd_BoardAddr pointer to void in struct ConfigDev +0x0020 libraries/configvars.h: *37 cd_BoardSize unsigned long int in struct ConfigDev +0x0024 libraries/configvars.h: *38 cd_Driver pointer to void in struct ConfigDev +0x002c libraries/configvars.h: *41 cd_Flags unsigned char in struct ConfigDev +0x000e libraries/configvars.h: *34 cd_NextCD pointer to struct ConfigDev in struct ConfigDev +0x0030 libraries/configvars.h: *42 cd_Node struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct ConfigDev +0x0000 libraries/configvars.h: *33 cd_Pad unsigned char in struct ConfigDev +0x000f libraries/configvars.h: *35 cd_Rom struct ExpansionRom(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct ConfigDev +0x0010 libraries/configvars.h: *36 cd_SlotAddr unsigned short int in struct ConfigDev +0x0028 libraries/configvars.h: *39 cd_SlotSize unsigned short int in struct ConfigDev +0x002a libraries/configvars.h: *40 cd_Unused array [4] of unsigned long int in struct ConfigDev +0x0034 libraries/configvars.h: *43 ceil #define IEEEDPCeil libraries/mathffp.h: *37 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *37 centphon pointer to char in struct narrator_rb +0x0050 devices/narrator.h: *117 centralize unsigned char in struct narrator_rb +0x004f devices/narrator.h: *116 cfc_ColorTable pointer to unsigned short int in struct ColorFontColors +0x0004 graphics/text.h: *148 cfc_Count unsigned short int in struct ColorFontColors +0x0002 graphics/text.h: *147 cfc_Reserved unsigned short int in struct ColorFontColors +0x0000 graphics/text.h: *146 ch_masks pointer to unsigned char in struct narrator_rb +0x0038 devices/narrator.h: *99 chanmask unsigned char in struct narrator_rb +0x0043 devices/narrator.h: *104 check_lp pointer to struct Layer in struct Layer_Info +0x0004 graphics/layers.h: *37 chm_ChangeCmd long int in struct ClipHookMsg +0x0004 devices/clipboard.h: *67 chm_ClipID long int in struct ClipHookMsg +0x0008 devices/clipboard.h: *69 chm_Type unsigned long int in struct ClipHookMsg +0x0000 devices/clipboard.h: *66 ci_Data pointer to unsigned char in struct CollectionItem +0x0008 libraries/iffparse.h: *108 ci_Next pointer to struct CollectionItem in struct CollectionItem +0x0000 libraries/iffparse.h: *106 ci_Size long int in struct CollectionItem +0x0004 libraries/iffparse.h: *107 cia pointer to long int in struct GfxBase +0x002a graphics/gfxbase.h: *30 ciacra unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0e00 hardware/cia.h: *60 ciacrb unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0f00 hardware/cia.h: *62 ciaddra unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0200 hardware/cia.h: *36 ciaddrb unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0300 hardware/cia.h: *38 ciaicr unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0d00 hardware/cia.h: *58 ciapra unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0000 hardware/cia.h: *32 ciaprb unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0100 hardware/cia.h: *34 ciasdr unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0c00 hardware/cia.h: *56 ciatahi unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0500 hardware/cia.h: *42 ciatalo unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0400 hardware/cia.h: *40 ciatbhi unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0700 hardware/cia.h: *46 ciatblo unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0600 hardware/cia.h: *44 ciatodhi unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0a00 hardware/cia.h: *52 ciatodlow unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0800 hardware/cia.h: *48 ciatodmid unsigned char in struct CIA +0x0900 hardware/cia.h: *50 cl_Dispatcher struct Hook(size 0x0014 bytes) in struct IClass +0x0000 intuition/classes.h: *29 cl_Flags unsigned long int in struct IClass +0x0030 intuition/classes.h: *43 cl_ID pointer to unsigned char in struct IClass +0x001c intuition/classes.h: *32 cl_InstOffset unsigned short int in struct IClass +0x0020 intuition/classes.h: *35 cl_InstSize unsigned short int in struct IClass +0x0022 intuition/classes.h: *36 cl_ObjectCount unsigned long int in struct IClass +0x002c intuition/classes.h: *41 cl_Reserved unsigned long int in struct IClass +0x0014 intuition/classes.h: *30 cl_SubclassCount unsigned long int in struct IClass +0x0028 intuition/classes.h: *39 cl_Super pointer to struct IClass in struct IClass +0x0018 intuition/classes.h: *31 cl_UserData unsigned long int in struct IClass +0x0024 intuition/classes.h: *38 cleanup pointer to function returning int in struct bltnode +0x000e hardware/blit.h: *97 cli_Background long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x002c dos/dosextens.h: *315 cli_CommandDir long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0008 dos/dosextens.h: *306 cli_CommandFile long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0024 dos/dosextens.h: *313 cli_CommandName long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0010 dos/dosextens.h: *308 cli_CurrentInput long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0020 dos/dosextens.h: *312 cli_CurrentOutput long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0030 dos/dosextens.h: *316 cli_DefaultStack long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0034 dos/dosextens.h: *317 cli_FailLevel long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0014 dos/dosextens.h: *309 cli_Interactive long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0028 dos/dosextens.h: *314 cli_Module long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x003c dos/dosextens.h: *319 cli_Prompt long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0018 dos/dosextens.h: *310 cli_Result2 long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *304 cli_ReturnCode long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x000c dos/dosextens.h: *307 cli_SetName long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0004 dos/dosextens.h: *305 cli_StandardInput long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x001c dos/dosextens.h: *311 cli_StandardOutput long int in struct CommandLineInterface +0x0038 dos/dosextens.h: *318 clxcon unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0098 hardware/custom.h: *93 clxdat unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x000e hardware/custom.h: *35 cm_batch_items pointer to struct TagItem in struct ColorMap +0x0020 graphics/view.h: *128 cm_vp pointer to struct ViewPort in struct ColorMap +0x0014 graphics/view.h: *125 cm_vpe pointer to struct ViewPortExtra in struct ColorMap +0x0008 graphics/view.h: *120 cn_ID long int in struct ContextNode +0x0008 libraries/iffparse.h: *71 cn_Node struct MinNode(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct ContextNode +0x0000 libraries/iffparse.h: *70 cn_Scan long int in struct ContextNode +0x0014 libraries/iffparse.h: *74 cn_Size long int in struct ContextNode +0x0010 libraries/iffparse.h: *73 cn_Type long int in struct ContextNode +0x000c libraries/iffparse.h: *72 code pointer to function returning int in struct Isrvstr +0x0012 graphics/graphint.h: *24 collHandler pointer to struct collTable in struct GelsInfo +0x0012 graphics/rastport.h: *51 collPtrs array [16] of pointer to function returning int in struct collTable +0x0000 graphics/gels.h: *260 collTable structure tag size 0x0040 graphics/rastport.h: *51 graphics/gels.h: 258 color array [32] of unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0180 hardware/custom.h: *122 color0 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x006e intuition/preferences.h: *70 color1 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x0070 intuition/preferences.h: *71 color17 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x0066 intuition/preferences.h: *64 color18 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x0068 intuition/preferences.h: *65 color19 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x006a intuition/preferences.h: *66 color2 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x0072 intuition/preferences.h: *72 color3 unsigned short int in struct Preferences +0x0074 intuition/preferences.h: *73 colorByte array [4] of unsigned char in union colorEntry +0x0000 devices/prtgfx.h: *30 colorEntry union tag size 0x0004 devices/prtgfx.h: *28, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 colorLong unsigned long int in union colorEntry +0x0000 devices/prtgfx.h: *29 colorSByte array [4] of char in union colorEntry +0x0000 devices/prtgfx.h: *31 control_delta_ntsc short int in struct GfxBase +0x017a graphics/gfxbase.h: *84 control_delta_pal short int in struct GfxBase +0x0178 graphics/gfxbase.h: *83 cop1lc unsigned long int in struct Custom +0x0080 hardware/custom.h: *83 cop2lc unsigned long int in struct Custom +0x0084 hardware/custom.h: *84 copcon unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x002e hardware/custom.h: *50 copinit structure tag size 0x0078 graphics/copper.h: *92 graphics/gfxbase.h: 29 copinit pointer to struct copinit in struct GfxBase +0x0026 graphics/gfxbase.h: *29 copins unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x008c hardware/custom.h: *87 copjmp1 unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0088 hardware/custom.h: *85 copjmp2 unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x008a hardware/custom.h: *86 cos #define IEEEDPCos libraries/mathffp.h: *41 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *41 cosh #define IEEEDPCosh libraries/mathffp.h: *52 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *52 cp_x short int in struct RastPort +0x0024 graphics/rastport.h: *74 cp_y short int in struct RastPort +0x0026 graphics/rastport.h: *74 cpl_Array pointer to pointer to struct MsgPort in struct CliProcList +0x000c dos/dosextens.h: *267 cpl_First long int in struct CliProcList +0x0008 dos/dosextens.h: *266 cpl_Node struct MinNode(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct CliProcList +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *265 cprlist structure tag size 0x000a graphics/copper.h: *56, 58 graphics/view.h: 61, 62 cr pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x0030 graphics/clip.h: *48 cr2 pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x0034 graphics/clip.h: *48 crb_reserved array [5] of unsigned char in struct GfxBase +0x00ed graphics/gfxbase.h: *68 crnew pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x0038 graphics/clip.h: *48 ctf_CharData array [8] of pointer to void in struct ColorTextFont +0x0040 graphics/text.h: *162 ctf_ColorFontColors pointer to struct ColorFontColors in struct ColorTextFont +0x003c graphics/text.h: *161 ctf_Depth unsigned char in struct ColorTextFont +0x0036 graphics/text.h: *155 ctf_FgColor unsigned char in struct ColorTextFont +0x0037 graphics/text.h: *156 ctf_Flags unsigned short int in struct ColorTextFont +0x0034 graphics/text.h: *154 ctf_High unsigned char in struct ColorTextFont +0x0039 graphics/text.h: *158 ctf_Low unsigned char in struct ColorTextFont +0x0038 graphics/text.h: *157 ctf_PlaneOnOff unsigned char in struct ColorTextFont +0x003b graphics/text.h: *160 ctf_PlanePick unsigned char in struct ColorTextFont +0x003a graphics/text.h: *159 ctf_TF struct TextFont(size 0x0034 bytes) in struct ColorTextFont +0x0000 graphics/text.h: *153 ctl unsigned short int in struct SpriteDef +0x0002 hardware/custom.h: *118 cu_AOLPen char in struct ConUnit +0x0105 devices/conunit.h: *84 cu_AlgoStyle unsigned char in struct ConUnit +0x0118 devices/conunit.h: *90 cu_BgPen char in struct ConUnit +0x0104 devices/conunit.h: *83 cu_DrawMode char in struct ConUnit +0x0106 devices/conunit.h: *85 cu_FgPen char in struct ConUnit +0x0103 devices/conunit.h: *82 cu_Font pointer to struct TextFont in struct ConUnit +0x0114 devices/conunit.h: *89 cu_KeyMapStruct struct KeyMap(size 0x0020 bytes) in struct ConUnit +0x0042 devices/conunit.h: *76 cu_MP struct MsgPort(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct ConUnit +0x0000 devices/conunit.h: *56 cu_Mask char in struct ConUnit +0x0102 devices/conunit.h: *81 cu_Minterms array [8] of unsigned char in struct ConUnit +0x010c devices/conunit.h: *88 cu_Modes array [3] of unsigned char in struct ConUnit +0x0122 devices/conunit.h: *98 cu_Node struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct ClipboardUnitPartial +0x0000 devices/clipboard.h: *37 cu_Obsolete1 char in struct ConUnit +0x0107 devices/conunit.h: *86 cu_Obsolete2 pointer to void in struct ConUnit +0x0108 devices/conunit.h: *87 cu_RawEvents array [3] of unsigned char in struct ConUnit +0x0125 devices/conunit.h: *99 cu_TabStops array [80] of unsigned short int in struct ConUnit +0x0062 devices/conunit.h: *78 cu_TxBaseline unsigned short int in struct ConUnit +0x011e devices/conunit.h: *94 cu_TxFlags unsigned char in struct ConUnit +0x0119 devices/conunit.h: *91 cu_TxHeight unsigned short int in struct ConUnit +0x011a devices/conunit.h: *92 cu_TxSpacing short int in struct ConUnit +0x0120 devices/conunit.h: *95 cu_TxWidth unsigned short int in struct ConUnit +0x011c devices/conunit.h: *93 cu_UnitNum unsigned long int in struct ClipboardUnitPartial +0x000e devices/clipboard.h: *38 cu_Window pointer to struct Window in struct ConUnit +0x0022 devices/conunit.h: *58 cu_XCCP short int in struct ConUnit +0x003e devices/conunit.h: *71 cu_XCP short int in struct ConUnit +0x0026 devices/conunit.h: *59 cu_XMax short int in struct ConUnit +0x002a devices/conunit.h: *61 cu_XMinShrink short int in struct ConUnit +0x003a devices/conunit.h: *69 cu_XRExtant short int in struct ConUnit +0x0036 devices/conunit.h: *67 cu_XROrigin short int in struct ConUnit +0x0032 devices/conunit.h: *65 cu_XRSize short int in struct ConUnit +0x002e devices/conunit.h: *63 cu_YCCP short int in struct ConUnit +0x0040 devices/conunit.h: *72 cu_YCP short int in struct ConUnit +0x0028 devices/conunit.h: *60 cu_YMax short int in struct ConUnit +0x002c devices/conunit.h: *62 cu_YMinShrink short int in struct ConUnit +0x003c devices/conunit.h: *70 cu_YRExtant short int in struct ConUnit +0x0038 devices/conunit.h: *68 cu_YROrigin short int in struct ConUnit +0x0034 devices/conunit.h: *66 cu_YRSize short int in struct ConUnit +0x0030 devices/conunit.h: *64 current_monitor pointer to struct MonitorSpec in struct GfxBase +0x017c graphics/gfxbase.h: *85 current_tot_cclks unsigned short int in struct GfxBase +0x0160 graphics/gfxbase.h: *78 current_tot_rows unsigned short int in struct GfxBase +0x015e graphics/gfxbase.h: *77 CACRF_ClearD #define (1L<<11) = 0x00000800 exec/execbase.h: *179 CACRF_ClearI #define (1L<<3) = 0x00000008 exec/execbase.h: *175 CACRF_CopyBack #define (1L<<31) = 0x80000000 exec/execbase.h: *183 CACRF_DBE #define (1L<<12) = 0x00001000 exec/execbase.h: *180 CACRF_EnableD #define (1L<<8) = 0x00000100 exec/execbase.h: *177 CACRF_EnableI #define (1L<<0) = 0x00000001 exec/execbase.h: *173 CACRF_FreezeD #define (1L<<9) = 0x00000200 exec/execbase.h: *178 CACRF_FreezeI #define (1L<<1) = 0x00000002 exec/execbase.h: *174 CACRF_IBE #define (1L<<4) = 0x00000010 exec/execbase.h: *176 CACRF_WriteAllocate #define (1L<<13) = 0x00002000 exec/execbase.h: *182 CBD_CHANGEHOOK #define (CMD_NONSTD+3) = 0x0000000c devices/clipboard.h: *31 CBD_CURRENTREADID #define (CMD_NONSTD+1) = 0x0000000a devices/clipboard.h: *29 CBD_CURRENTWRITEID #define (CMD_NONSTD+2) = 0x0000000b devices/clipboard.h: *30 CBD_DESCRLEN #define 40 = 0x00000028 libraries/commodities.h: *38 CBD_NAMELEN #define 24 = 0x00000018 libraries/commodities.h: *36 CBD_POST #define (CMD_NONSTD+0) = 0x00000009 devices/clipboard.h: *28 CBD_TITLELEN #define 40 = 0x00000028 libraries/commodities.h: *37 CBERR_DUP #define 2 = 0x00000002 libraries/commodities.h: *43 CBERR_OBSOLETEID #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/clipboard.h: *33 CBERR_OK #define 0 = 0x00000000 libraries/commodities.h: *41 CBERR_SYSERR #define 1 = 0x00000001 libraries/commodities.h: *42 CBERR_VERSION #define 3 = 0x00000003 libraries/commodities.h: *44 CBM_MPS1000 #define 0x03 = 0x00000003 intuition/preferences.h: *195 CDB_BADMEMORY #define 2 = 0x00000002 libraries/configvars.h: *49 CDB_CONFIGME #define 1 = 0x00000001 libraries/configvars.h: *48 CDB_SHUTUP #define 0 = 0x00000000 libraries/configvars.h: *47 CDF_BADMEMORY #define 0x04 = 0x00000004 libraries/configvars.h: *53 CDF_CONFIGME #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 libraries/configvars.h: *52 CDF_SHUTUP #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 libraries/configvars.h: *51 CD_ASKDEFAULTKEYMAP #define (CMD_NONSTD+2) = 0x0000000b devices/console.h: *26 CD_ASKKEYMAP #define (CMD_NONSTD+0) = 0x00000009 devices/console.h: *24 CD_SETDEFAULTKEYMAP #define (CMD_NONSTD+3) = 0x0000000c devices/console.h: *27 CD_SETKEYMAP #define (CMD_NONSTD+1) = 0x0000000a devices/console.h: *25 CEND macro (1 argument) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *41 CENTER_IMAGE #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008 intuition/preferences.h: *245 CHANGEWINDOW #define IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW = 0x02000000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *139 CHANGE_FH #define 1 = 0x00000001 dos/dos.h: *223 CHANGE_LOCK #define 0 = 0x00000000 dos/dos.h: *222 CHECKBOXIDCMP #define (IDCMP_GADGETUP) = 0x00000040 libraries/gadtools.h: *67 CHECKBOX_KIND #define 2 = 0x00000002 libraries/gadtools.h: *36 CHECKED #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100 intuition/intuition.h: *132 CHECKIMAGE #define (0x0EL) = 0x0000000e intuition/imageclass.h: *110 CHECKIT #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 intuition/intuition.h: *118 CHECKWIDTH #define 19 = 0x00000013 intuition/intuition.h: *1300 CHeight unsigned short int in struct PropInfo +0x000c intuition/intuition.h: *489 CIA structure tag size 0x0f01 hardware/cia.h: *31 CIAANAME #define "ciaa.resource" resources/cia.h: *15 CIABNAME #define "ciab.resource" resources/cia.h: *16 CIAB_COMCD #define (5) = 0x00000005 hardware/cia.h: *149 CIAB_COMCTS #define (4) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *150 CIAB_COMDSR #define (3) = 0x00000003 hardware/cia.h: *151 CIAB_COMDTR #define (7) = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *147 CIAB_COMRTS #define (6) = 0x00000006 hardware/cia.h: *148 CIAB_DSKCHANGE #define (2) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *140 CIAB_DSKDIREC #define (1) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *163 CIAB_DSKMOTOR #define (7) = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *157 CIAB_DSKPROT #define (3) = 0x00000003 hardware/cia.h: *139 CIAB_DSKRDY #define (5) = 0x00000005 hardware/cia.h: *137 CIAB_DSKSEL0 #define (3) = 0x00000003 hardware/cia.h: *161 CIAB_DSKSEL1 #define (4) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *160 CIAB_DSKSEL2 #define (5) = 0x00000005 hardware/cia.h: *159 CIAB_DSKSEL3 #define (6) = 0x00000006 hardware/cia.h: *158 CIAB_DSKSIDE #define (2) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *162 CIAB_DSKSTEP #define (0) = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *164 CIAB_DSKTRACK0 #define (4) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *138 CIAB_GAMEPORT0 #define (6) = 0x00000006 hardware/cia.h: *136 CIAB_GAMEPORT1 #define (7) = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *135 CIAB_LED #define (1) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *141 CIAB_OVERLAY #define (0) = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *142 CIAB_PRTRBUSY #define (0) = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *154 CIAB_PRTRPOUT #define (1) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *153 CIAB_PRTRSEL #define (2) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *152 CIACRAB_INMODE #define 5 = 0x00000005 hardware/cia.h: *81 CIACRAB_LOAD #define 4 = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *80 CIACRAB_OUTMODE #define 2 = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *78 CIACRAB_PBON #define 1 = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *77 CIACRAB_RUNMODE #define 3 = 0x00000003 hardware/cia.h: *79 CIACRAB_SPMODE #define 6 = 0x00000006 hardware/cia.h: *82 CIACRAB_START #define 0 = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *76 CIACRAB_TODIN #define 7 = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *83 CIACRAF_INMODE #define (1<<CIACRAB_INMODE) = 0x00000020 hardware/cia.h: *110 CIACRAF_LOAD #define (1<<CIACRAB_LOAD) = 0x00000010 hardware/cia.h: *109 CIACRAF_OUTMODE #define (1<<CIACRAB_OUTMODE) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *107 CIACRAF_PBON #define (1<<CIACRAB_PBON) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *106 CIACRAF_RUNMODE #define (1<<CIACRAB_RUNMODE) = 0x00000008 hardware/cia.h: *108 CIACRAF_SPMODE #define (1<<CIACRAB_SPMODE) = 0x00000040 hardware/cia.h: *111 CIACRAF_START #define (1<<CIACRAB_START) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *105 CIACRAF_TODIN #define (1<<CIACRAB_TODIN) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *112 CIACRBB_ALARM #define 7 = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *93 CIACRBB_INMODE0 #define 5 = 0x00000005 hardware/cia.h: *91 CIACRBB_INMODE1 #define 6 = 0x00000006 hardware/cia.h: *92 CIACRBB_LOAD #define 4 = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *90 CIACRBB_OUTMODE #define 2 = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *88 CIACRBB_PBON #define 1 = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *87 CIACRBB_RUNMODE #define 3 = 0x00000003 hardware/cia.h: *89 CIACRBB_START #define 0 = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *86 CIACRBF_ALARM #define (1<<CIACRBB_ALARM) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *122 CIACRBF_INMODE0 #define (1<<CIACRBB_INMODE0) = 0x00000020 hardware/cia.h: *120 CIACRBF_INMODE1 #define (1<<CIACRBB_INMODE1) = 0x00000040 hardware/cia.h: *121 CIACRBF_IN_CNT #define (CIACRBF_INMODE0) = 0x00000020 hardware/cia.h: *126 CIACRBF_IN_CNT_TA #define (CIACRBF_INMODE0|CIACRBF_INMODE1) = 0x00000060 hardware/cia.h: *128 CIACRBF_IN_PHI2 #define 0 = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *125 CIACRBF_IN_TA #define (CIACRBF_INMODE1) = 0x00000040 hardware/cia.h: *127 CIACRBF_LOAD #define (1<<CIACRBB_LOAD) = 0x00000010 hardware/cia.h: *119 CIACRBF_OUTMODE #define (1<<CIACRBB_OUTMODE) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *117 CIACRBF_PBON #define (1<<CIACRBB_PBON) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *116 CIACRBF_RUNMODE #define (1<<CIACRBB_RUNMODE) = 0x00000008 hardware/cia.h: *118 CIACRBF_START #define (1<<CIACRBB_START) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *115 CIAF_COMCD #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020 hardware/cia.h: *181 CIAF_COMCTS #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010 hardware/cia.h: *182 CIAF_COMDSR #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008 hardware/cia.h: *183 CIAF_COMDTR #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *179 CIAF_COMRTS #define (1<<6) = 0x00000040 hardware/cia.h: *180 CIAF_DSKCHANGE #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *172 CIAF_DSKDIREC #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *195 CIAF_DSKMOTOR #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *189 CIAF_DSKPROT #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008 hardware/cia.h: *171 CIAF_DSKRDY #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020 hardware/cia.h: *169 CIAF_DSKSEL0 #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008 hardware/cia.h: *193 CIAF_DSKSEL1 #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010 hardware/cia.h: *192 CIAF_DSKSEL2 #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020 hardware/cia.h: *191 CIAF_DSKSEL3 #define (1<<6) = 0x00000040 hardware/cia.h: *190 CIAF_DSKSIDE #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *194 CIAF_DSKSTEP #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *196 CIAF_DSKTRACK0 #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010 hardware/cia.h: *170 CIAF_GAMEPORT0 #define (1<<6) = 0x00000040 hardware/cia.h: *168 CIAF_GAMEPORT1 #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *167 CIAF_LED #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *173 CIAF_OVERLAY #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *174 CIAF_PRTRBUSY #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *186 CIAF_PRTRPOUT #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *185 CIAF_PRTRSEL #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *184 CIAICRB_ALRM #define 2 = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *69 CIAICRB_FLG #define 4 = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *71 CIAICRB_IR #define 7 = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *72 CIAICRB_SETCLR #define 7 = 0x00000007 hardware/cia.h: *73 CIAICRB_SP #define 3 = 0x00000003 hardware/cia.h: *70 CIAICRB_TA #define 0 = 0x00000000 hardware/cia.h: *67 CIAICRB_TB #define 1 = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *68 CIAICRF_ALRM #define (1<<CIAICRB_ALRM) = 0x00000004 hardware/cia.h: *98 CIAICRF_FLG #define (1<<CIAICRB_FLG) = 0x00000010 hardware/cia.h: *100 CIAICRF_IR #define (1<<CIAICRB_IR) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *101 CIAICRF_SETCLR #define (1<<CIAICRB_SETCLR) = 0x00000080 hardware/cia.h: *102 CIAICRF_SP #define (1<<CIAICRB_SP) = 0x00000008 hardware/cia.h: *99 CIAICRF_TA #define (1<<CIAICRB_TA) = 0x00000001 hardware/cia.h: *96 CIAICRF_TB #define (1<<CIAICRB_TB) = 0x00000002 hardware/cia.h: *97 CINIT macro (2 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *38 CLEANME #define CLEANUP = 0x00000040 hardware/blit.h: *102 CLEANUP #define 0x40 = 0x00000040 hardware/blit.h: *101 CLF_INLIST #define 0x00000001 = 0x00000001 intuition/classes.h: *44 CLIB_MACROS_H #define clib/macros.h: *2 CLOSE #define GTYP_CLOSE = 0x00000080 intuition/iobsolete.h: *103 CLOSEGADGET #define 3 = 0x00000003 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *50 CLOSEIMAGE #define (0x03L) = 0x00000003 intuition/imageclass.h: *104 CLOSEWINDOW #define IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW = 0x00000200 intuition/iobsolete.h: *123 CLVALUE macro (1 argument) rexx/rexxio.h: *58 CLeft short int in struct StringInfo +0x0014 intuition/intuition.h: *537 CMDE_NOBROKER #define (-1) = 0xffffffff libraries/commodities.h: *137 CMDE_NOMEM #define (-3) = 0xfffffffd libraries/commodities.h: *139 CMDE_NOPORT #define (-2) = 0xfffffffe libraries/commodities.h: *138 CMDE_OK #define (0) = 0x00000000 libraries/commodities.h: *136 CMD_CLEAR #define 5 = 0x00000005 exec/io.h: *56 CMD_DISABLED #define -999 = 0xfffffc19 dos/dosextens.h: *297 CMD_FLUSH #define 8 = 0x00000008 exec/io.h: *59 CMD_INTERNAL #define -2 = 0xfffffffe dos/dosextens.h: *296 CMD_INVALID #define 0 = 0x00000000 exec/io.h: *51 CMD_NONSTD #define 9 = 0x00000009 exec/io.h: *61 CMD_READ #define 2 = 0x00000002 exec/io.h: *53 CMD_RESET #define 1 = 0x00000001 exec/io.h: *52 CMD_START #define 7 = 0x00000007 exec/io.h: *58 CMD_STOP #define 6 = 0x00000006 exec/io.h: *57 CMD_SYSTEM #define -1 = 0xffffffff dos/dosextens.h: *295 CMD_UPDATE #define 4 = 0x00000004 exec/io.h: *55 CMD_WRITE #define 3 = 0x00000003 exec/io.h: *54 CMOVE macro (3 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *39 COERR_BADFILTER #define 4 = 0x00000004 libraries/commodities.h: *163 COERR_BADTYPE #define 8 = 0x00000008 libraries/commodities.h: *164 COERR_ISNULL #define 1 = 0x00000001 libraries/commodities.h: *161 COERR_NULLATTACH #define 2 = 0x00000002 libraries/commodities.h: *162 COF_SHOW_HIDE #define 4 = 0x00000004 libraries/commodities.h: *67 COLORMAP_TRANSPARENCY #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 graphics/view.h: *140 COLORMAP_TYPE_V1_2 #define 0x00 = 0x00000000 graphics/view.h: *135 COLORMAP_TYPE_V1_4 #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 graphics/view.h: *136 COLORMAP_TYPE_V36 #define COLORMAP_TYPE_V1_4 = 0x00000001 graphics/view.h: *137 COLORON #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200 graphics/display.h: *21 COLORPLANE_TRANSPARENCY #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 graphics/view.h: *141 COMMSEQ #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004 intuition/intuition.h: *120 COMMWIDTH #define 27 = 0x0000001b intuition/intuition.h: *1301 COMPLEMENT #define 2 = 0x00000002 graphics/rastport.h: *96 COMPLEX_BIT #define 1 = 0x00000001 dos/dosasl.h: *139 CONFLAG_DEFAULT #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/conunit.h: *46 CONFLAG_NODRAW_ON_NEWSIZE #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/conunit.h: *47 CONU_CHARMAP #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/conunit.h: *41 CONU_LIBRARY #define -1 = 0xffffffff devices/conunit.h: *36 CONU_SNIPMAP #define 3 = 0x00000003 devices/conunit.h: *42 CONU_STANDARD #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/conunit.h: *37 COPPER_MOVE #define 0 = 0x00000000 graphics/copper.h: *19 COPPER_WAIT #define 1 = 0x00000001 graphics/copper.h: *20 CORRECT_BLUE #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004 intuition/preferences.h: *243 CORRECT_GREEN #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002 intuition/preferences.h: *242 CORRECT_RED #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 intuition/preferences.h: *241 CORRECT_RGB_MASK #define (CORRECT_RED|CORRECT_GREEN|CORRECT_BLUE) = 0x00000007 intuition/preferences.h: *264 COUNT short int exec/types.h: *58 CPRNXTBUF #define 2 = 0x00000002 graphics/copper.h: *21 CPR_NT_LOF #define 0x8000 = 0x00008000 graphics/copper.h: *22 CPR_NT_SHT #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000 graphics/copper.h: *23 CPR_NT_SYS #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000 graphics/copper.h: *24 CPTR typedef ULONG exec/types.h: *60 CR_NEEDS_NO_CONCEALED_RASTERS #define 1 = 0x00000001 graphics/clip.h: *79 CR_NEEDS_NO_LAYERBLIT_DAMAGE #define 2 = 0x00000002 graphics/clip.h: *80 CSBLANK #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008 hardware/custom.h: *156 CSCBLANKEN #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400 hardware/custom.h: *149 CSYNCTRUE #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004 hardware/custom.h: *157 CS_Buffer pointer to unsigned char in struct CSource +0x0000 dos/rdargs.h: *64 CS_CurChr long int in struct CSource +0x0008 dos/rdargs.h: *66 CS_Length long int in struct CSource +0x0004 dos/rdargs.h: *65 CSource structure tag size 0x000c dos/rdargs.h: *63, 98 CTB_ALPHA #define 2 = 0x00000002 rexx/rxslib.h: *91 CTB_DIGIT #define 1 = 0x00000001 rexx/rxslib.h: *90 CTB_LOWER #define 7 = 0x00000007 rexx/rxslib.h: *96 CTB_MAPCOLOR #define 0 = 0x00000000 graphics/text.h: *141 CTB_REXXOPR #define 4 = 0x00000004 rexx/rxslib.h: *93 CTB_REXXSPC #define 5 = 0x00000005 rexx/rxslib.h: *94 CTB_REXXSYM #define 3 = 0x00000003 rexx/rxslib.h: *92 CTB_SPACE #define 0 = 0x00000000 rexx/rxslib.h: *89 CTB_UPPER #define 6 = 0x00000006 rexx/rxslib.h: *95 CTC_HCLRTAB #define 2 = 0x00000002 devices/console.h: *90 CTC_HCLRTABSALL #define 5 = 0x00000005 devices/console.h: *91 CTC_HSETTAB #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/console.h: *89 CTF_ALPHA #define (1 << CTB_ALPHA) = 0x00000004 rexx/rxslib.h: *101 CTF_DIGIT #define (1 << CTB_DIGIT) = 0x00000002 rexx/rxslib.h: *100 CTF_LOWER #define (1 << CTB_LOWER) = 0x00000080 rexx/rxslib.h: *106 CTF_MAPCOLOR #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 graphics/text.h: *142 CTF_REXXOPR #define (1 << CTB_REXXOPR) = 0x00000010 rexx/rxslib.h: *103 CTF_REXXSPC #define (1 << CTB_REXXSPC) = 0x00000020 rexx/rxslib.h: *104 CTF_REXXSYM #define (1 << CTB_REXXSYM) = 0x00000008 rexx/rxslib.h: *102 CTF_SPACE #define (1 << CTB_SPACE) = 0x00000001 rexx/rxslib.h: *99 CTF_UPPER #define (1 << CTB_UPPER) = 0x00000040 rexx/rxslib.h: *105 CT_ANTIALIAS #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004 graphics/text.h: *139 CT_COLORFONT #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 graphics/text.h: *136 CT_COLORMASK #define 0x000F = 0x0000000f graphics/text.h: *135 CT_GREYFONT #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002 graphics/text.h: *137 CTop short int in struct StringInfo +0x0016 intuition/intuition.h: *537 CURSORDOWN #define 0x4D = 0x0000004d intuition/intuition.h: *1345 CURSORLEFT #define 0x4F = 0x0000004f intuition/intuition.h: *1343 CURSORRIGHT #define 0x4E = 0x0000004e intuition/intuition.h: *1344 CURSORUP #define 0x4C = 0x0000004c intuition/intuition.h: *1342 CUSTOM #define 0x40 = 0x00000040 intuition/preferences.h: *189 CUSTOMBITMAP #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040 intuition/screens.h: *169 CUSTOMGADGET #define GTYP_CUSTOMGADGET = 0x00000005 intuition/iobsolete.h: *108 CUSTOMIMAGEDEPTH #define (-1) = 0xffffffff intuition/imageclass.h: *24 CUSTOMSCREEN #define 0x000F = 0x0000000f intuition/screens.h: *163 CUSTOM_HOOK macro (1 argument) intuition/cghooks.h: *79 CUSTOM_NAME #define 0x00 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *192 CWAIT macro (3 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *40 CWidth unsigned short int in struct PropInfo +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *488 CXCMD_APPEAR #define (19) = 0x00000013 libraries/commodities.h: *126 CXCMD_DISABLE #define (15) = 0x0000000f libraries/commodities.h: *124 CXCMD_DISAPPEAR #define (21) = 0x00000015 libraries/commodities.h: *127 CXCMD_ENABLE #define (17) = 0x00000011 libraries/commodities.h: *125 CXCMD_KILL #define (23) = 0x00000017 libraries/commodities.h: *128 CXCMD_LIST_CHG #define (27) = 0x0000001b libraries/commodities.h: *132 CXCMD_UNIQUE #define (25) = 0x00000019 libraries/commodities.h: *131 CXM_COMMAND #define (1 << 6) = 0x00000040 libraries/commodities.h: *121 CXM_IEVENT #define (1 << 5) = 0x00000020 libraries/commodities.h: *113 CXM_UNIQUE #define (1 << 4) = 0x00000010 libraries/commodities.h: *99 CX_BROKER #define 6 = 0x00000006 libraries/commodities.h: *91 CX_CUSTOM #define 8 = 0x00000008 libraries/commodities.h: *93 CX_DEBUG #define 7 = 0x00000007 libraries/commodities.h: *92 CX_FILTER #define 1 = 0x00000001 libraries/commodities.h: *86 CX_INVALID #define 0 = 0x00000000 libraries/commodities.h: *85 CX_SEND #define 3 = 0x00000003 libraries/commodities.h: *88 CX_SIGNAL #define 4 = 0x00000004 libraries/commodities.h: *89 CX_TRANSLATE #define 5 = 0x00000005 libraries/commodities.h: *90 CX_TYPEFILTER #define 2 = 0x00000002 libraries/commodities.h: *87 CX_ZERO #define 9 = 0x00000009 libraries/commodities.h: *94 CYCLEIDCMP #define (IDCMP_GADGETUP) = 0x00000040 libraries/gadtools.h: *74 CYCLE_KIND #define 7 = 0x00000007 libraries/gadtools.h: *41 Carg int in struct Isrvstr +0x001a graphics/graphint.h: *26 CheckMark pointer to struct Image in struct Window +0x0064 intuition/intuition.h: *865 CheckMark pointer to struct Image in struct NewWindow +0x0016 intuition/intuition.h: *996 CheckMark pointer to struct Image in struct ExtNewWindow +0x0016 intuition/intuition.h: *1054 ChipRevBits0 unsigned char in struct GfxBase +0x00ec graphics/gfxbase.h: *67 ChkBase unsigned long int in struct ExecBase +0x0026 exec/execbase.h: *43 ChkSum unsigned short int in struct ExecBase +0x0052 exec/execbase.h: *55 Class unsigned long int in struct IntuiMessage +0x0014 intuition/intuition.h: *684 Class "UBYTE" intuition/classes.h: *45 ClassID pointer to "UBYTE" intuition/classusr.h: *23 intuition/classes.h: 32 ClearPath pointer to struct VSprite in struct VSprite +0x000c graphics/gels.h: *82 CliProcList structure tag size 0x0010 dos/dosextens.h: *264 ClipHookMsg structure tag size 0x000c devices/clipboard.h: *65 ClipRect structure tag size 0x0024 graphics/clip.h: *37, 44, 48, 49, 50, 64, 66, 67, 71 graphics/layers.h: 38 ClipRect pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x0008 graphics/clip.h: *37 ClipRegion pointer to struct Region in struct Layer +0x007e graphics/clip.h: *55 ClipboardHandle structure tag size 0x0078 libraries/iffparse.h: *116 ClipboardUnitPartial structure tag size 0x0012 devices/clipboard.h: *36, 46 Clock long int in struct AnimOb +0x0008 graphics/gels.h: *206 ClockData structure tag size 0x000e utility/date.h: *18 ClrIns pointer to struct CopList in struct ViewPort +0x0010 graphics/view.h: *48 Code unsigned short int in struct IntuiMessage +0x0018 intuition/intuition.h: *687 Code unsigned short int in struct SGWork +0x0018 intuition/sghooks.h: *43 CoerceDisplayInfo pointer to void in struct ColorMap +0x001c graphics/view.h: *127 ColdCapture pointer to void in struct ExecBase +0x002a exec/execbase.h: *44 CollMask pointer to short int in struct VSprite +0x002c graphics/gels.h: *111 CollectionItem structure tag size 0x000c libraries/iffparse.h: *105, 106 ColorFontColors structure tag size 0x0008 graphics/text.h: *145, 161 ColorIndex short int in struct ColorSpec +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *1242 ColorMap structure tag size 0x0028 devices/printer.h: *164 graphics/view.h: 44, 114 ColorMap pointer to struct ColorMap in struct ViewPort +0x0004 graphics/view.h: *44 ColorSpec structure tag size 0x0008 intuition/intuition.h: *1241 ColorTable pointer to void in struct ColorMap +0x0004 graphics/view.h: *119 ColorTextFont structure tag size 0x0060 graphics/text.h: *152 ColumnSizeChange char in struct Preferences +0x00d9 intuition/preferences.h: *115 Command char in struct MenuItem +0x001a intuition/intuition.h: *106 CommandLineInterface structure tag size 0x0040 dos/dosextens.h: *303 Compatibility short int in struct MonitorInfo +0x002a graphics/displayinfo.h: *119 ConUnit structure tag size 0x0128 devices/conunit.h: *55 ConfigDev structure tag size 0x0044 libraries/configvars.h: *32, 42, 59 ContextNode structure tag size 0x0018 libraries/iffparse.h: *69 CoolCapture pointer to void in struct ExecBase +0x002e exec/execbase.h: *45 CopIns structure tag size 0x0006 graphics/copper.h: *26, 68, 69 CopIns pointer to struct CopIns in struct CopList +0x000c graphics/copper.h: *68 CopLStart pointer to unsigned short int in struct CopList +0x0014 graphics/copper.h: *70 CopList structure tag size 0x0022 graphics/copper.h: *31, 63, 65, 66, 86, 87 graphics/view.h: 46, 47, 48 CopList pointer to struct CopList in struct UCopList +0x0008 graphics/copper.h: *87 CopPtr pointer to struct CopIns in struct CopList +0x0010 graphics/copper.h: *69 CopSStart pointer to unsigned short int in struct CopList +0x0018 graphics/copper.h: *71 Count short int in struct CopList +0x001c graphics/copper.h: *72 Count unsigned short int in struct ColorMap +0x0002 graphics/view.h: *118 Count short int in struct AreaInfo +0x0010 graphics/rastport.h: *29 Count char in struct Border +0x0007 intuition/intuition.h: *603 CurrentBinding structure tag size 0x0010 libraries/configvars.h: *58 libraries/expansionbase.h: 53 Custom structure tag size 0x01e6 hardware/custom.h: *27 CustomBitMap pointer to struct BitMap in struct NewScreen +0x001c intuition/screens.h: *332 CustomBitMap pointer to struct BitMap in struct ExtNewScreen +0x001c intuition/screens.h: *355 CxCustom macro (2 arguments) libraries/commodities.h: *29 CxDebug macro (1 argument) libraries/commodities.h: *28 CxFilter macro (1 argument) libraries/commodities.h: *23 CxMsg "LONG" libraries/commodities.h: *76 CxObj "LONG" libraries/commodities.h: *75 CxSender macro (2 arguments) libraries/commodities.h: *25 CxSignal macro (2 arguments) libraries/commodities.h: *26 CxTranslate macro (1 argument) libraries/commodities.h: *27 CxTypeFilter macro (1 argument) libraries/commodities.h: *24
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