__STDC__ #define 1 = 0x00000001 exec/types.h: 44 sampfreq unsigned short int in struct narrator_rb +0x0040 devices/narrator.h: *102 saveClipRects pointer to struct Region in struct Layer +0x0082 graphics/clip.h: *56 sc_Buf pointer to void in struct IFFStreamCmd +0x0004 libraries/iffparse.h: *58 sc_Command long int in struct IFFStreamCmd +0x0000 libraries/iffparse.h: *57 sc_NBytes long int in struct IFFStreamCmd +0x0008 libraries/iffparse.h: *59 scsi_Actual unsigned long int in struct SCSICmd +0x0008 devices/scsidisk.h: *80 scsi_CmdActual unsigned short int in struct SCSICmd +0x0012 devices/scsidisk.h: *83 scsi_CmdLength unsigned short int in struct SCSICmd +0x0010 devices/scsidisk.h: *82 scsi_Command pointer to unsigned char in struct SCSICmd +0x000c devices/scsidisk.h: *81 scsi_Data pointer to unsigned short int in struct SCSICmd +0x0000 devices/scsidisk.h: *74 scsi_Flags unsigned char in struct SCSICmd +0x0014 devices/scsidisk.h: *84 scsi_Length unsigned long int in struct SCSICmd +0x0004 devices/scsidisk.h: *77 scsi_SenseActual unsigned short int in struct SCSICmd +0x001c devices/scsidisk.h: *91 scsi_SenseData pointer to unsigned char in struct SCSICmd +0x0016 devices/scsidisk.h: *86 scsi_SenseLength unsigned short int in struct SCSICmd +0x001a devices/scsidisk.h: *89 scsi_Status unsigned char in struct SCSICmd +0x0015 devices/scsidisk.h: *85 sec unsigned short int in struct ClockData +0x0000 utility/date.h: *20 seg_Name array [4] of unsigned char in struct Segment +0x000c dos/dosextens.h: *292 seg_Next long int in struct Segment +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *289 seg_Seg long int in struct Segment +0x0008 dos/dosextens.h: *291 seg_UC long int in struct Segment +0x0004 dos/dosextens.h: *290 serdat unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0030 hardware/custom.h: *51 serdatr unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0018 hardware/custom.h: *40 serper unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0032 hardware/custom.h: *52 sex unsigned short int in struct narrator_rb +0x0036 devices/narrator.h: *98 sh_List struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct SoftIntList +0x0000 exec/interrupts.h: *39 sh_Pad unsigned short int in struct SoftIntList +0x000e exec/interrupts.h: *40 shadowPen #define SHADOWPEN = 0x00000004 intuition/iobsolete.h: *265 shape unsigned char in struct mouth_rb +0x005a devices/narrator.h: *132 shinePen #define SHINEPEN = 0x00000003 intuition/iobsolete.h: *264 sin #define IEEEDPSin libraries/mathffp.h: *43 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *43 sinh #define IEEEDPSinh libraries/mathffp.h: *51 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *51 sm_ArgList pointer to struct WBArg in struct WBStartup +0x0024 workbench/startup.h: *33 sm_Bids short int in struct Semaphore +0x0022 exec/semaphores.h: *56 sm_ClipID long int in struct SatisfyMsg +0x0016 devices/clipboard.h: *62 sm_LockMsg #define mp_SigTask exec/semaphores.h: *59 sm_Message struct Message(size 0x0014 bytes) in struct WBStartup +0x0000 workbench/startup.h: *28 sm_Msg struct Message(size 0x0014 bytes) in struct SatisfyMsg +0x0000 devices/clipboard.h: *60 sm_MsgPort struct MsgPort(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct Semaphore +0x0000 exec/semaphores.h: *55 sm_NumArgs long int in struct WBStartup +0x001c workbench/startup.h: *31 sm_Process pointer to struct MsgPort in struct WBStartup +0x0014 workbench/startup.h: *29 sm_Segment long int in struct WBStartup +0x0018 workbench/startup.h: *30 sm_ToolWindow pointer to char in struct WBStartup +0x0020 workbench/startup.h: *32 sm_Unit unsigned short int in struct SatisfyMsg +0x0014 devices/clipboard.h: *61 sn_Pred pointer to struct SrcNode in struct SrcNode +0x0004 rexx/storage.h: *229 sn_Ptr pointer to void in struct SrcNode +0x0008 rexx/storage.h: *230 sn_Size long int in struct SrcNode +0x000c rexx/storage.h: *231 sn_Succ pointer to struct SrcNode in struct SrcNode +0x0000 rexx/storage.h: *228 sp_Data pointer to unsigned char in struct StoredProperty +0x0004 libraries/iffparse.h: *97 sp_Msg struct Message(size 0x0014 bytes) in struct StandardPacket +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *142 sp_Pkt struct DosPacket(size 0x0030 bytes) in struct StandardPacket +0x0014 dos/dosextens.h: *143 sp_Size long int in struct StoredProperty +0x0000 libraries/iffparse.h: *96 spm_Flags unsigned short int in struct SpecialMonitor +0x0018 graphics/monitor.h: *145 spm_Node struct ExtendedNode(size 0x0018 bytes) in struct SpecialMonitor +0x0000 graphics/monitor.h: *144 spr array [8] of struct SpriteDef(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct Custom +0x0140 hardware/custom.h: *121 sprRsrvd char in struct GelsInfo +0x0000 graphics/rastport.h: *43 sprhstop unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01d2 hardware/custom.h: *132 sprhstrt unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x01d0 hardware/custom.h: *131 sprpt array [8] of pointer to void in struct Custom +0x0120 hardware/custom.h: *115 sprstop array [4] of unsigned short int in struct copinit +0x0070 graphics/copper.h: *103 sprstrtup array [32] of unsigned short int in struct copinit +0x0014 graphics/copper.h: *97 sqrt #define IEEEDPSqrt libraries/mathffp.h: *49 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *49 sr_Link struct MinNode(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct SemaphoreRequest +0x0000 exec/semaphores.h: *36 sr_Waiter pointer to struct Task in struct SemaphoreRequest +0x0008 exec/semaphores.h: *37 ss_Link struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct SignalSemaphore +0x0000 exec/semaphores.h: *42 ss_MultipleLink struct SemaphoreRequest(size 0x000c bytes) in struct SignalSemaphore +0x001c exec/semaphores.h: *45 ss_NestCount short int in struct SignalSemaphore +0x000e exec/semaphores.h: *43 ss_Owner pointer to struct Task in struct SignalSemaphore +0x0028 exec/semaphores.h: *46 ss_QueueCount short int in struct SignalSemaphore +0x002c exec/semaphores.h: *47 ss_WaitQueue struct MinList(size 0x000c bytes) in struct SignalSemaphore +0x0010 exec/semaphores.h: *44 start pointer to unsigned short int in struct cprlist +0x0004 graphics/copper.h: *59 stat char in struct bltnode +0x0008 hardware/blit.h: *94 strequ unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x0038 hardware/custom.h: *55 strhor unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x003c hardware/custom.h: *57 strlong unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x003e hardware/custom.h: *58 strvbl unsigned short int in struct Custom +0x003a hardware/custom.h: *56 sync unsigned char in struct mouth_rb +0x005b devices/narrator.h: *133 system_bplcon0 short int in struct GfxBase +0x00a4 graphics/gfxbase.h: *43 SAVEBACK #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002 graphics/gels.h: *23 SAVEBOB #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 graphics/gels.h: *35 SAVEPRESERVE #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000 graphics/gels.h: *42 SA_AutoScroll #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0019) = 0x80000039 intuition/screens.h: *273 SA_Behind #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0017) = 0x80000037 intuition/screens.h: *269 SA_BitMap #define (SA_Dummy + 0x000E) = 0x8000002e intuition/screens.h: *229 SA_BlockPen #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0007) = 0x80000027 intuition/screens.h: *210 SA_Colors #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0009) = 0x80000029 intuition/screens.h: *213 SA_DClip #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0013) = 0x80000033 intuition/screens.h: *247 SA_Depth #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0005) = 0x80000025 intuition/screens.h: *206 SA_DetailPen #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0006) = 0x80000026 intuition/screens.h: *208 SA_DisplayID #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0012) = 0x80000032 intuition/screens.h: *243 SA_Dummy #define (TAG_USER + 32) = 0x80000020 intuition/screens.h: *197 SA_ErrorCode #define (SA_Dummy + 0x000A) = 0x8000002a intuition/screens.h: *218 SA_Font #define (SA_Dummy + 0x000B) = 0x8000002b intuition/screens.h: *220 SA_FullPalette #define (SA_Dummy + 0x001B) = 0x8000003b intuition/screens.h: *279 SA_Height #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0004) = 0x80000024 intuition/screens.h: *204 SA_Left #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0001) = 0x80000021 intuition/screens.h: *201 SA_Obsolete1 #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0015) = 0x80000035 intuition/screens.h: *263 SA_Overscan #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0014) = 0x80000034 intuition/screens.h: *251 SA_Pens #define (SA_Dummy + 0x001A) = 0x8000003a intuition/screens.h: *275 SA_PubName #define (SA_Dummy + 0x000F) = 0x8000002f intuition/screens.h: *233 SA_PubSig #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0010) = 0x80000030 intuition/screens.h: *238 SA_PubTask #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0011) = 0x80000031 intuition/screens.h: *239 SA_Quiet #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0018) = 0x80000038 intuition/screens.h: *271 SA_ShowTitle #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0016) = 0x80000036 intuition/screens.h: *267 SA_SysFont #define (SA_Dummy + 0x000C) = 0x8000002c intuition/screens.h: *222 SA_Title #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0008) = 0x80000028 intuition/screens.h: *211 SA_Top #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0002) = 0x80000022 intuition/screens.h: *202 SA_Type #define (SA_Dummy + 0x000D) = 0x8000002d intuition/screens.h: *227 SA_Width #define (SA_Dummy + 0x0003) = 0x80000023 intuition/screens.h: *203 SBUFSIZE_BITS #define 0x0F = 0x0000000f intuition/preferences.h: *220 SBUF_1024 #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 intuition/preferences.h: *209 SBUF_16000 #define 0x05 = 0x00000005 intuition/preferences.h: *213 SBUF_2048 #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 intuition/preferences.h: *210 SBUF_4096 #define 0x03 = 0x00000003 intuition/preferences.h: *211 SBUF_512 #define 0x00 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *208 SBUF_8000 #define 0x04 = 0x00000004 intuition/preferences.h: *212 SCREENBEHIND #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080 intuition/screens.h: *173 SCREENHIRES #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200 intuition/screens.h: *177 SCREENQUIET #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100 intuition/screens.h: *176 SCREENTYPE #define 0x000F = 0x0000000f intuition/screens.h: *159 SCREEN_DRAG #define (1<<14) = 0x00004000 intuition/preferences.h: *137 SCRGADGET #define GTYP_SCRGADGET = 0x00004000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *93 SCROLLERIDCMP #define (IDCMP_GADGETUP | IDCMP_GADGETDOWN | IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE) = 0x00000070 libraries/gadtools.h: *78 SCROLLER_KIND #define 9 = 0x00000009 libraries/gadtools.h: *43 SCSIB_AUTOSENSE #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/scsidisk.h: *105 SCSIB_OLDAUTOSENSE #define 2 = 0x00000002 devices/scsidisk.h: *106 SCSIB_READ_WRITE #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/scsidisk.h: *98 SCSICmd structure tag size 0x001e devices/scsidisk.h: *73 SCSIF_AUTOSENSE #define 2 = 0x00000002 devices/scsidisk.h: *101 SCSIF_NOSENSE #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/scsidisk.h: *100 SCSIF_OLDAUTOSENSE #define 6 = 0x00000006 devices/scsidisk.h: *103 SCSIF_READ #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/scsidisk.h: *97 SCSIF_WRITE #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/scsidisk.h: *96 SDCMD_BREAK #define (CMD_NONSTD+1) = 0x0000000a devices/serial.h: *96 SDCMD_QUERY #define CMD_NONSTD = 0x00000009 devices/serial.h: *95 SDCMD_SETPARAMS #define (CMD_NONSTD+2) = 0x0000000b devices/serial.h: *97 SDEPTHIMAGE #define (0x05L) = 0x00000005 intuition/imageclass.h: *105 SDOWNBACK #define GTYP_SDOWNBACK = 0x00000070 intuition/iobsolete.h: *102 SDOWNBACKGADGET #define 6 = 0x00000006 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *53 SDRAGGADGET #define 7 = 0x00000007 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *54 SDRAGGING #define GTYP_SDRAGGING = 0x00000030 intuition/iobsolete.h: *98 SELECTDOWN #define (IECODE_LBUTTON) = 0x00000068 intuition/intuition.h: *1331 SELECTED #define GFLG_SELECTED = 0x00000080 intuition/iobsolete.h: *59 SELECTUP #define (IECODE_LBUTTON | IECODE_UP_PREFIX) = 0x000000e8 intuition/intuition.h: *1330 SERB_7WIRE #define 2 = 0x00000002 devices/serial.h: *110 SERB_EOFMODE #define 6 = 0x00000006 devices/serial.h: *102 SERB_PARTY_ODD #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/serial.h: *112 SERB_PARTY_ON #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/serial.h: *114 SERB_QUEUEDBRK #define 3 = 0x00000003 devices/serial.h: *108 SERB_RAD_BOOGIE #define 4 = 0x00000004 devices/serial.h: *106 SERB_SHARED #define 5 = 0x00000005 devices/serial.h: *104 SERB_XDISABLED #define 7 = 0x00000007 devices/serial.h: *100 SERF_7WIRE #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004 devices/serial.h: *111 SERF_EOFMODE #define (1<<6) = 0x00000040 devices/serial.h: *103 SERF_PARTY_ODD #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002 devices/serial.h: *113 SERF_PARTY_ON #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001 devices/serial.h: *115 SERF_QUEUEDBRK #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008 devices/serial.h: *109 SERF_RAD_BOOGIE #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010 devices/serial.h: *107 SERF_SHARED #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020 devices/serial.h: *105 SERF_XDISABLED #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080 devices/serial.h: *101 SERIALNAME #define "serial.device" devices/serial.h: *180 SERIAL_PRINTER #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 intuition/preferences.h: *142 SER_DEFAULT_CTLCHAR #define 0x11130000 = 0x11130000 devices/serial.h: *28 SEXTB_MARK #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/serial.h: *133 SEXTB_MSPON #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/serial.h: *130 SEXTF_MARK #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001 devices/serial.h: *134 SEXTF_MSPON #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002 devices/serial.h: *132 SGA_BEEP #define (0x4L) = 0x00000004 intuition/sghooks.h: *116 SGA_END #define (0x2L) = 0x00000002 intuition/sghooks.h: *115 SGA_NEXTACTIVE #define (0x20L) = 0x00000020 intuition/sghooks.h: *121 SGA_PREVACTIVE #define (0x40L) = 0x00000040 intuition/sghooks.h: *122 SGA_REDISPLAY #define (0x10L) = 0x00000010 intuition/sghooks.h: *118 SGA_REUSE #define (0x8L) = 0x00000008 intuition/sghooks.h: *117 SGA_USE #define (0x1L) = 0x00000001 intuition/sghooks.h: *114 SGH_CLICK #define (2L) = 0x00000002 intuition/sghooks.h: *127 SGH_KEY #define (1L) = 0x00000001 intuition/sghooks.h: *126 SGM_CONTROL #define (1L << 5) = 0x00000020 intuition/sghooks.h: *110 SGM_EXITHELP #define (1L << 7) = 0x00000080 intuition/sghooks.h: *104 SGM_FIXEDFIELD #define (1L << 1) = 0x00000002 intuition/sghooks.h: *99 SGM_LONGINT #define (1L << 6) = 0x00000040 intuition/sghooks.h: *111 SGM_NOCHANGE #define (1L << 3) = 0x00000008 intuition/sghooks.h: *108 SGM_NOFILTER #define (1L << 2) = 0x00000004 intuition/sghooks.h: *101 SGM_NOWORKB #define (1L << 4) = 0x00000010 intuition/sghooks.h: *109 SGM_REPLACE #define (1L << 0) = 0x00000001 intuition/sghooks.h: *94 SGR_BLACK #define 30 = 0x0000001e devices/console.h: *43 SGR_BLACKBG #define 40 = 0x00000028 devices/console.h: *53 SGR_BLUE #define 34 = 0x00000022 devices/console.h: *47 SGR_BLUEBG #define 44 = 0x0000002c devices/console.h: *57 SGR_BOLD #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/console.h: *32 SGR_CLR0 #define 30 = 0x0000001e devices/console.h: *65 SGR_CLR0BG #define 40 = 0x00000028 devices/console.h: *74 SGR_CLR1 #define 31 = 0x0000001f devices/console.h: *66 SGR_CLR1BG #define 41 = 0x00000029 devices/console.h: *75 SGR_CLR2 #define 32 = 0x00000020 devices/console.h: *67 SGR_CLR2BG #define 42 = 0x0000002a devices/console.h: *76 SGR_CLR3 #define 33 = 0x00000021 devices/console.h: *68 SGR_CLR3BG #define 43 = 0x0000002b devices/console.h: *77 SGR_CLR4 #define 34 = 0x00000022 devices/console.h: *69 SGR_CLR4BG #define 44 = 0x0000002c devices/console.h: *78 SGR_CLR5 #define 35 = 0x00000023 devices/console.h: *70 SGR_CLR5BG #define 45 = 0x0000002d devices/console.h: *79 SGR_CLR6 #define 36 = 0x00000024 devices/console.h: *71 SGR_CLR6BG #define 46 = 0x0000002e devices/console.h: *80 SGR_CLR7 #define 37 = 0x00000025 devices/console.h: *72 SGR_CLR7BG #define 47 = 0x0000002f devices/console.h: *81 SGR_CYAN #define 36 = 0x00000024 devices/console.h: *49 SGR_CYANBG #define 46 = 0x0000002e devices/console.h: *59 SGR_DEFAULT #define 39 = 0x00000027 devices/console.h: *51 SGR_DEFAULTBG #define 49 = 0x00000031 devices/console.h: *61 SGR_GREEN #define 32 = 0x00000020 devices/console.h: *45 SGR_GREENBG #define 42 = 0x0000002a devices/console.h: *55 SGR_ITALIC #define 3 = 0x00000003 devices/console.h: *33 SGR_MAGENTA #define 35 = 0x00000023 devices/console.h: *48 SGR_MAGENTABG #define 45 = 0x0000002d devices/console.h: *58 SGR_NEGATIVE #define 7 = 0x00000007 devices/console.h: *35 SGR_NORMAL #define 22 = 0x00000016 devices/console.h: *37 SGR_NOTITALIC #define 23 = 0x00000017 devices/console.h: *38 SGR_NOTUNDERSCORE #define 24 = 0x00000018 devices/console.h: *39 SGR_POSITIVE #define 27 = 0x0000001b devices/console.h: *40 SGR_PRIMARY #define 0 = 0x00000000 devices/console.h: *31 SGR_RED #define 31 = 0x0000001f devices/console.h: *44 SGR_REDBG #define 41 = 0x00000029 devices/console.h: *54 SGR_UNDERSCORE #define 4 = 0x00000004 devices/console.h: *34 SGR_WHITE #define 37 = 0x00000025 devices/console.h: *50 SGR_WHITEBG #define 47 = 0x0000002f devices/console.h: *60 SGR_YELLOW #define 33 = 0x00000021 devices/console.h: *46 SGR_YELLOWBG #define 43 = 0x0000002b devices/console.h: *56 SGWork structure tag size 0x002c intuition/sghooks.h: *33 SG_DEFAULTMAXCHARS #define (128) = 0x00000080 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *147 SHADE_BW #define 0x00 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *180 SHADE_COLOR #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 intuition/preferences.h: *182 SHADE_GREYSCALE #define 0x01 = 0x00000001 intuition/preferences.h: *181 SHADOWPEN #define (0x0004) = 0x00000004 intuition/screens.h: *86 SHAKNUM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1281 SHANGHAI #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 intuition/screens.h: *397 SHARED_LOCK #define -2 = 0xfffffffe dos/dos.h: *49 SHFCprList pointer to struct cprlist in struct View +0x0008 graphics/view.h: *62 SHFlist pointer to unsigned short int in struct GfxBase +0x0036 graphics/gfxbase.h: *33 SHIFTITEM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1271 SHIFTMENU macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1270 SHIFTSUB macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1272 SHINEPEN #define (0x0003) = 0x00000003 intuition/screens.h: *85 SHORT short int exec/types.h: *56 SHOWTITLE #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010 intuition/screens.h: *165 SHSHAKE_BITS #define 0x0F = 0x0000000f intuition/preferences.h: *223 SHSHAKE_NONE #define 2 = 0x00000002 intuition/preferences.h: *237 SHSHAKE_RTS #define 1 = 0x00000001 intuition/preferences.h: *236 SHSHAKE_XON #define 0 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *235 SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C #define 12 = 0x0000000c dos/dos.h: *204 SIGBREAKB_CTRL_D #define 13 = 0x0000000d dos/dos.h: *205 SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E #define 14 = 0x0000000e dos/dos.h: *206 SIGBREAKB_CTRL_F #define 15 = 0x0000000f dos/dos.h: *207 SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C #define (1<<SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C) = 0x00001000 dos/dos.h: *211 SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D #define (1<<SIGBREAKB_CTRL_D) = 0x00002000 dos/dos.h: *212 SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E #define (1<<SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E) = 0x00004000 dos/dos.h: *213 SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F #define ((long)1<<SIGBREAKB_CTRL_F) = 0x00008000 dos/dos.h: *214 SIGB_ABORT #define 0 = 0x00000000 exec/tasks.h: *76 SIGB_BLIT #define 4 = 0x00000004 exec/tasks.h: *78 SIGB_CHILD #define 1 = 0x00000001 exec/tasks.h: *77 SIGB_DOS #define 8 = 0x00000008 exec/tasks.h: *81 SIGB_INTUITION #define 5 = 0x00000005 exec/tasks.h: *80 SIGB_SINGLE #define 4 = 0x00000004 exec/tasks.h: *79 SIGF_ABORT #define (1L<<0) = 0x00000001 exec/tasks.h: *83 SIGF_BLIT #define (1L<<4) = 0x00000010 exec/tasks.h: *85 SIGF_CHILD #define (1L<<1) = 0x00000002 exec/tasks.h: *84 SIGF_DOS #define (1L<<8) = 0x00000100 exec/tasks.h: *88 SIGF_INTUITION #define (1L<<5) = 0x00000020 exec/tasks.h: *87 SIGF_SINGLE #define (1L<<4) = 0x00000010 exec/tasks.h: *86 SIGN macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1293 SIGNFLAG #define 0x40 = 0x00000040 hardware/blit.h: *73 SIH_PRIMASK #define (0xf0) = 0x000000f0 exec/interrupts.h: *43 SIMPLEREQ #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010 intuition/intuition.h: *190 SIMPLE_REFRESH #define WFLG_SIMPLE_REFRESH = 0x00000040 intuition/iobsolete.h: *153 SINGLE #define 0x80 = 0x00000080 intuition/preferences.h: *156 SIX_LPI #define 0x000 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *168 SIZEBBOTTOM #define WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM = 0x00000020 intuition/iobsolete.h: *150 SIZEBRIGHT #define WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT = 0x00000010 intuition/iobsolete.h: *149 SIZEGADGET #define 2 = 0x00000002 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *49 SIZEIMAGE #define (0x02L) = 0x00000002 intuition/imageclass.h: *103 SIZEOF_INSTANCE macro (1 argument) intuition/classes.h: *52 SIZEVERIFY #define IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY = 0x00000001 intuition/iobsolete.h: *114 SIZING #define GTYP_SIZING = 0x00000010 intuition/iobsolete.h: *96 SLIDERIDCMP #define (IDCMP_GADGETUP | IDCMP_GADGETDOWN | IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE) = 0x00000070 libraries/gadtools.h: *79 SLIDER_KIND #define 11 = 0x0000000b libraries/gadtools.h: *45 SMART_REFRESH #define WFLG_SMART_REFRESH = 0x00000000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *152 SPARITY_BITS #define 0xF0 = 0x000000f0 intuition/preferences.h: *222 SPARITY_EVEN #define 1 = 0x00000001 intuition/preferences.h: *229 SPARITY_NONE #define 0 = 0x00000000 intuition/preferences.h: *228 SPARITY_ODD #define 2 = 0x00000002 intuition/preferences.h: *230 SPARNUM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1280 SPAbs function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *60 SPAcos function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *72 SPAdd function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *67 SPAsin function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *72 SPAtan function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *72 SPCeil function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *62 SPCos function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *73 SPCosh function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *74 SPDiv function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *70 SPECIAL_ASPECT #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080 devices/printer.h: *182 SPECIAL_BEAMCON #define ( VARVBLANK | LOLDIS | VARVSYNC | VARBEAM | CSBLANK ) = 0x00001a88 graphics/monitor.h: *78 SPECIAL_CENTER #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040 devices/printer.h: *181 SPECIAL_DENSITY1 #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100 devices/printer.h: *183 SPECIAL_DENSITY2 #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200 devices/printer.h: *184 SPECIAL_DENSITY3 #define 0x0300 = 0x00000300 devices/printer.h: *185 SPECIAL_DENSITY4 #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400 devices/printer.h: *186 SPECIAL_DENSITY5 #define 0x0500 = 0x00000500 devices/printer.h: *187 SPECIAL_DENSITY6 #define 0x0600 = 0x00000600 devices/printer.h: *188 SPECIAL_DENSITY7 #define 0x0700 = 0x00000700 devices/printer.h: *189 SPECIAL_DENSITYMASK #define 0x0700 = 0x00000700 devices/printer.h: *221 SPECIAL_DIMENSIONSMASK #define (SPECIAL_MILCOLS|SPECIAL_MILROWS| SPECIAL_FULLCOLS|SPECIAL_FULLROWS | SPECIAL_FRACCOLS|SPECIAL_FRACROWS| SPECIAL_ASPECT) = 0x000000bf devices/printer.h: *224 SPECIAL_FRACCOLS #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010 devices/printer.h: *179 SPECIAL_FRACROWS #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020 devices/printer.h: *180 SPECIAL_FULLCOLS #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004 devices/printer.h: *177 SPECIAL_FULLROWS #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008 devices/printer.h: *178 SPECIAL_MILCOLS #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001 devices/printer.h: *175 SPECIAL_MILROWS #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002 devices/printer.h: *176 SPECIAL_MONITOR_TYPE #define 3 = 0x00000003 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *35 SPECIAL_NOFORMFEED #define 0x0800 = 0x00000800 devices/printer.h: *190 SPECIAL_NOPRINT #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000 devices/printer.h: *201 SPECIAL_TRUSTME #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000 devices/printer.h: *191 SPExp function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *75 SPFieee function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *76 SPFloor function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *61 SPFlt function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *57 SPLog function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *75 SPLog10 function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *75 SPMul function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *69 SPNeg function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *66 SPPow function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *75 SPRITES #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000 graphics/view.h: *100 SPRITE_ATTACHED #define 0x80 = 0x00000080 graphics/sprite.h: *19 SPSin function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *73 SPSincos function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *73 SPSinh function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *74 SPSqrt function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *76 SPSub function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *68 SPTan function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *73 SPTanh function returning "LONG" libraries/mathffp.h: *74 SRBNUM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1277 SRCA #define 0x800 = 0x00000800 hardware/blit.h: *61 SRCB #define 0x400 = 0x00000400 hardware/blit.h: *60 SRCC #define 0x200 = 0x00000200 hardware/blit.h: *59 SREAD_BITS #define 0xF0 = 0x000000f0 intuition/preferences.h: *216 SSBNUM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1279 SSTOP_BITS #define 0xF0 = 0x000000f0 intuition/preferences.h: *219 SS_GRAPHICS #define 0x02 = 0x00000002 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *31 STANDARD_COLORCLOCKS #define 226 = 0x000000e2 graphics/monitor.h: *72 STANDARD_DENISE_MAX #define 455 = 0x000001c7 graphics/monitor.h: *73 STANDARD_DENISE_MIN #define 93 = 0x0000005d graphics/monitor.h: *74 STANDARD_HBSTOP #define 0x2C = 0x0000002c graphics/monitor.h: *87 STANDARD_HBSTRT #define 0x06 = 0x00000006 graphics/monitor.h: *84 STANDARD_HSSTOP #define 0x1C = 0x0000001c graphics/monitor.h: *86 STANDARD_HSSTRT #define 0x0B = 0x0000000b graphics/monitor.h: *85 STANDARD_MONITOR_MASK #define ( REQUEST_NTSC | REQUEST_PAL ) = 0x00000003 graphics/monitor.h: *68 STANDARD_NTSC_BEAMCON #define ( 0x0000 ) = 0x00000000 graphics/monitor.h: *75 STANDARD_NTSC_ROWS #define 262 = 0x00000106 graphics/monitor.h: *70 STANDARD_PAL_BEAMCON #define ( DISPLAYPAL ) = 0x00000020 graphics/monitor.h: *76 STANDARD_PAL_ROWS #define 312 = 0x00000138 graphics/monitor.h: *71 STANDARD_VBSTOP #define 0x1066 = 0x00001066 graphics/monitor.h: *91 STANDARD_VBSTRT #define 0x0122 = 0x00000122 graphics/monitor.h: *88 STANDARD_VIEW_X #define 0x81 = 0x00000081 graphics/monitor.h: *82 STANDARD_VIEW_Y #define 0x2C = 0x0000002c graphics/monitor.h: *83 STANDARD_VSSTOP #define 0x03AA = 0x000003aa graphics/monitor.h: *90 STANDARD_VSSTRT #define 0x02A6 = 0x000002a6 graphics/monitor.h: *89 STANDARD_XOFFSET #define 9 = 0x00000009 graphics/monitor.h: *58 STANDARD_YOFFSET #define 0 = 0x00000000 graphics/monitor.h: *59 STATIC #define static exec/types.h: *22 STDSCREENHEIGHT #define -1 = 0xffffffff intuition/screens.h: *184 STDSCREENWIDTH #define -1 = 0xffffffff intuition/screens.h: *185 STRGADGET #define GTYP_STRGADGET = 0x00000004 intuition/iobsolete.h: *107 STRGCLASS #define "strgclass" intuition/classusr.h: *49 STRINGA_ActivePens #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000A) = 0x8003200a intuition/gadgetclass.h: *127 STRINGA_AltKeyMap #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0007) = 0x80032007 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *124 STRINGA_Buffer #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0002) = 0x80032002 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *119 STRINGA_BufferPos #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0005) = 0x80032005 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *122 STRINGA_DispPos #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0006) = 0x80032006 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *123 STRINGA_Dummy #define (TAG_USER +0x32000) = 0x80032000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *117 STRINGA_EditHook #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000B) = 0x8003200b intuition/gadgetclass.h: *128 STRINGA_EditModes #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000C) = 0x8003200c intuition/gadgetclass.h: *129 STRINGA_ExitHelp #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0013) = 0x80032013 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *141 STRINGA_FixedFieldMode #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000E) = 0x8003200e intuition/gadgetclass.h: *133 STRINGA_Font #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0008) = 0x80032008 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *125 STRINGA_Justification #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0010) = 0x80032010 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *136 STRINGA_LongVal #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0011) = 0x80032011 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *138 STRINGA_MaxChars #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0001) = 0x80032001 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *118 STRINGA_NoFilterMode #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000F) = 0x8003200f intuition/gadgetclass.h: *134 STRINGA_Pens #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0009) = 0x80032009 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *126 STRINGA_ReplaceMode #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000D) = 0x8003200d intuition/gadgetclass.h: *132 STRINGA_TextVal #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0012) = 0x80032012 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *139 STRINGA_UndoBuffer #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0003) = 0x80032003 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *120 STRINGA_WorkBuffer #define (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0004) = 0x80032004 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *121 STRINGCENTER #define GACT_STRINGCENTER = 0x00000200 intuition/iobsolete.h: *81 STRINGEXTEND #define GACT_STRINGEXTEND = 0x00002000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *85 STRINGIDCMP #define (IDCMP_GADGETUP) = 0x00000040 libraries/gadtools.h: *80 STRINGLEFT #define GACT_STRINGLEFT = 0x00000000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *80 STRINGRIGHT #define GACT_STRINGRIGHT = 0x00000400 intuition/iobsolete.h: *82 STRING_KIND #define 12 = 0x0000000c libraries/gadtools.h: *46 STRPTR pointer to unsigned char exec/types.h: *52 ST_FILE #define -3 = 0xfffffffd dos/dosextens.h: *477 ST_LINKDIR #define 4 = 0x00000004 dos/dosextens.h: *476 ST_LINKFILE #define -4 = 0xfffffffc dos/dosextens.h: *478 ST_ROOT #define 1 = 0x00000001 dos/dosextens.h: *473 ST_SOFTLINK #define 3 = 0x00000003 dos/dosextens.h: *475 ST_USERDIR #define 2 = 0x00000002 dos/dosextens.h: *474 SUBNUM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1268 SUD #define 0x10 = 0x00000010 hardware/blit.h: *76 SUL #define 0x8 = 0x00000008 hardware/blit.h: *77 SUPERDPF2_KEY #define 0x00008460 = 0x00008460 graphics/displayinfo.h: *171 SUPERDPF_KEY #define 0x00008420 = 0x00008420 graphics/displayinfo.h: *165 SUPERHIRES #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020 graphics/view.h: *92 SUPERLACEDPF2_KEY #define 0x00008464 = 0x00008464 graphics/displayinfo.h: *174 SUPERLACEDPF_KEY #define 0x00008424 = 0x00008424 graphics/displayinfo.h: *168 SUPERLACE_KEY #define 0x00008024 = 0x00008024 graphics/displayinfo.h: *161 SUPER_BITMAP #define WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP = 0x00000080 intuition/iobsolete.h: *154 SUPER_KEY #define 0x00008020 = 0x00008020 graphics/displayinfo.h: *157 SUPFRONT #define GTYP_SUPFRONT = 0x00000050 intuition/iobsolete.h: *100 SUPFRONTGADGET #define 5 = 0x00000005 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *52 SUSERFLAGS #define 0x00FF = 0x000000ff graphics/gels.h: *21 SWBNUM macro (1 argument) intuition/intuition.h: *1278 SWRITE_BITS #define 0x0F = 0x0000000f intuition/preferences.h: *217 SYSGADGET #define GTYP_SYSGADGET = 0x00008000 intuition/iobsolete.h: *92 SYSIA_Depth #define (IA_Dummy + 0x0C) = 0x8002000c intuition/imageclass.h: *74 SYSIA_DrawInfo #define (IA_Dummy + 0x18) = 0x80020018 intuition/imageclass.h: *80 SYSIA_Pens #define IA_Pens = 0x8002000e intuition/imageclass.h: *84 SYSIA_Size #define (IA_Dummy + 0x0B) = 0x8002000b intuition/imageclass.h: *72 SYSIA_Which #define (IA_Dummy + 0x0D) = 0x8002000d intuition/imageclass.h: *78 SYSICLASS #define "sysiclass" intuition/classusr.h: *45 SYSISIZE_HIRES #define (2) = 0x00000002 intuition/imageclass.h: *94 SYSISIZE_LOWRES #define (1) = 0x00000001 intuition/imageclass.h: *93 SYSISIZE_MEDRES #define (0) = 0x00000000 intuition/imageclass.h: *92 SYSREQUEST #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000 intuition/intuition.h: *205 SYS_Asynch #define (SYS_Dummy + 3) = 0x80000023 dos/dostags.h: *29 SYS_CustomShell #define (SYS_Dummy + 5) = 0x80000025 dos/dostags.h: *33 SYS_Dummy #define (TAG_USER + 32) = 0x80000020 dos/dostags.h: *24 SYS_Input #define (SYS_Dummy + 1) = 0x80000021 dos/dostags.h: *25 SYS_Output #define (SYS_Dummy + 2) = 0x80000022 dos/dostags.h: *27 SYS_UserShell #define (SYS_Dummy + 4) = 0x80000024 dos/dostags.h: *31 SatisfyMsg structure tag size 0x001a devices/clipboard.h: *59 SaveBuffer pointer to short int in struct Bob +0x0002 graphics/gels.h: *145 SaveColor0 unsigned short int in struct Screen +0x014c intuition/screens.h: *142 Screen structure tag size 0x015a devices/inputevent.h: *89 intuition/intuition.h: 819, 1005, 1057 intuition/screens.h: 98, 100, 384 intuition/cghooks.h: 29 intuition/intuitionbase.h: 75, 80 Screen pointer to struct Screen in struct NewWindow +0x001e intuition/intuition.h: *1005 Screen pointer to struct Screen in struct ExtNewWindow +0x001e intuition/intuition.h: *1057 ScreenTitle pointer to unsigned char in struct Window +0x0068 intuition/intuition.h: *867 Scroll_X short int in struct Layer +0x002c graphics/clip.h: *47 Scroll_Y short int in struct Layer +0x002e graphics/clip.h: *47 Seconds unsigned long int in struct IntuiMessage +0x0024 intuition/intuition.h: *708 Seconds unsigned long int in struct IntuitionBase +0x0048 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *86 Segment structure tag size 0x0010 dos/dosextens.h: *288 SelectFill pointer to void in struct MenuItem +0x0016 intuition/intuition.h: *104 SelectRender pointer to void in struct Gadget +0x0016 intuition/intuition.h: *238 Semaphore structure tag size 0x0024 exec/semaphores.h: *54 SemaphoreList struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct ExecBase +0x0214 exec/execbase.h: *114 SemaphoreRequest structure tag size 0x000c exec/semaphores.h: *35, 45 SerErr_BaudMismatch #define 2 = 0x00000002 devices/serial.h: *138 SerErr_BufErr #define 4 = 0x00000004 devices/serial.h: *139 SerErr_BufOverflow #define 12 = 0x0000000c devices/serial.h: *144 SerErr_DetectedBreak #define 15 = 0x0000000f devices/serial.h: *146 SerErr_DevBusy #define 1 = 0x00000001 devices/serial.h: *137 SerErr_InvParam #define 5 = 0x00000005 devices/serial.h: *140 SerErr_LineErr #define 6 = 0x00000006 devices/serial.h: *141 SerErr_NoDSR #define 13 = 0x0000000d devices/serial.h: *145 SerErr_ParityErr #define 9 = 0x00000009 devices/serial.h: *142 SerErr_TimerErr #define 11 = 0x0000000b devices/serial.h: *143 SerParShk unsigned char in struct Preferences +0x00b8 intuition/preferences.h: *108 SerRWBits unsigned char in struct Preferences +0x00b6 intuition/preferences.h: *104 SerStopBuf unsigned char in struct Preferences +0x00b7 intuition/preferences.h: *106 SetAfPt macro (3 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *34 SetDrPt macro (2 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *32 SetOPen macro (2 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *31 SetWrMsk macro (2 arguments) graphics/gfxmacros.h: *33 SignalSemaphore structure tag size 0x002e exec/semaphores.h: *41 dos/dosextens.h: 281, 282 graphics/clip.h: 52 graphics/monitor.h: 51 graphics/layers.h: 40 graphics/gfxbase.h: 63, 88, 90 SimpleSprite structure tag size 0x000c graphics/gfxbase.h: *55 graphics/sprite.h: 21 SimpleSprites pointer to pointer to struct SimpleSprite in struct GfxBase +0x00d0 graphics/gfxbase.h: *55 Size long int in struct TmpRas +0x0004 graphics/rastport.h: *37 SkipID unsigned long int in struct QueryHeader +0x0008 graphics/displayinfo.h: *46 SoftIntList structure tag size 0x0010 exec/interrupts.h: *38 exec/execbase.h: 95 SoftInts array [5] of struct SoftIntList(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct ExecBase +0x01b2 exec/execbase.h: *95 SoftVer unsigned short int in struct ExecBase +0x0022 exec/execbase.h: *41 SpecialInfo pointer to void in struct Gadget +0x0022 intuition/intuition.h: *258 SpecialLink pointer to struct IntuiMessage in struct IntuiMessage +0x0030 intuition/intuition.h: *716 SpecialMonitor structure tag size 0x003a graphics/monitor.h: *38, 142 SprColors pointer to short int in struct VSprite +0x0030 graphics/gels.h: *114 SprIns pointer to struct CopList in struct ViewPort +0x000c graphics/view.h: *47 SpriteDef structure tag (size 0x0008 bytes)in struct Custom hardware/custom.h: *116 SpritePriorities unsigned char in struct ViewPort +0x0022 graphics/view.h: *53 SpriteReserved unsigned char in struct GfxBase +0x00a6 graphics/gfxbase.h: *44 SpriteResolution struct tPoint(size 0x0004 bytes) in struct DisplayInfo +0x0020 graphics/displayinfo.h: *59 SrcNode structure tag size 0x0010 rexx/storage.h: *227, 228, 229 StandardPacket structure tag size 0x0044 dos/dosextens.h: *141 StdOScan struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct DimensionInfo +0x003a graphics/displayinfo.h: *104 StoredProperty structure tag size 0x0008 libraries/iffparse.h: *95 StringExtend structure tag size 0x0024 intuition/intuition.h: *546 intuition/sghooks.h: 19 StringInfo structure tag size 0x0024 intuition/intuition.h: *524 intuition/sghooks.h: 36 StringInfo pointer to struct StringInfo in struct SGWork +0x0004 intuition/sghooks.h: *36 StructID unsigned long int in struct QueryHeader +0x0000 graphics/displayinfo.h: *44 SubItem pointer to struct MenuItem in struct MenuItem +0x001c intuition/intuition.h: *108 SuperBitMap pointer to struct BitMap in struct Layer +0x0020 graphics/clip.h: *43 SuperClipRect pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x0024 graphics/clip.h: *44 SuperSaveClipRects pointer to struct ClipRect in struct Layer +0x003c graphics/clip.h: *49 SysFlags unsigned short int in struct ExecBase +0x0124 exec/execbase.h: *69 SysStkLower pointer to void in struct ExecBase +0x003a exec/execbase.h: *48 SysStkUpper pointer to void in struct ExecBase +0x0036 exec/execbase.h: *47
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