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	TextExtent -- Determine raster extent of text data. (V36)

	TextExtent(rp, string, count, textExtent)
	           A1  A0      D0:16  A2

	void textExtent(struct RastPort *, STRPTR, WORD,
	     struct TextExtent *);

	This function determines a more complete metric of the space
	that a text string would render into than the TextLength()

	rp     - a pointer to the RastPort which describes where the
	         text attributes reside.
	string - the address of the string to determine the length of.
	count  - the number of characters in the string.
                If zero, there are no characters in the string.
	textExtent - a structure to hold the result.

	textExtent is filled in as follows:
	    te_Width  - same as TextLength() result: the rp_cp_x
	                advance that rendering this text would cause.
	    te_Height - same as tf_YSize.  The height of the
	    te_Extent.MinX - the offset to the left side of the
	                rectangle this would render into.  Often zero.
	    te_Extent.MinY - same as -tf_Baseline.  The offset
	                from the baseline to the top of the rectangle
	                this would render into.
	    te_Extent.MaxX - the offset of the left side of the
	                rectangle this would render into.  Often the
	                same as te_Width-1.
	    te_Extent.MaxY - same as tf_YSize-tf_Baseline-1.
	                The offset from the baseline to the bottom of
	                the rectangle this would render into.

	TextLength()  Text()  TextFit()
	graphics/text.h  graphics/rastport.h

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