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The following are brief descriptions of the Intuition functions that
relate to the use of Intuition screens.  See the Amiga ROM Kernel
Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for details on each function call.

             Table 3-10: Functions for Intuition Screens
 |                                                                      |
 |          Function                  Description                       |
 |    OpenScreenTagList()  Open a screen.                               |
 |       OpenScreenTags()  Alternate calling sequence for               |
 |                         OpenScreenTagList().                         |
 |           OpenScreen()  Pre-V36 open screen function.                |
 |          CloseScreen()  Close an open screen.                        |
 |           MoveScreen()  Change the position of an open screen.       |
 |         ScreenToBack()  Move a screen behind all other screens.      |
 |        ScreenToFront()  Move a screen in front of all other screens. |
 |            ShowTitle()  Show the screen in front of through backdrop |
 |                         windows.                                     |
 |    GetScreenDrawInfo()  Get the DrawInfo information for an open     |
 |                         screen.                                      |
 |   FreeScreenDrawInfo()  Free the DrawInfo information for a screen.  |
 |        QueryOverscan()  Find overscan information for a specific     |
 |                         display type.                                |
 |        LockPubScreen()  Obtain a lock on a public screen.            |
 |      UnlockPubScreen()  Release a lock on a public screen.           |
 |        NextPubScreen()  Return the name of the next public screen in |
 |                         the list.                                    |
 |      PubScreenStatus()  Make a public screen private or private      |
 |                         screen public.                               |
 |    LockPubScreenList()  Lock the public screen list (for a public    |
 |                         screen utility).                             |
 |  UnlockPubScreenList()  Unlock the public screen list.               |
 |  SetDefaultPubScreen()  Change the default public screen.            |
 |    SetPubScreenModes()  Establish global public screen behavior.     |
 |  GetDefaultPubScreen()  Copies the name of the default public screen |
 |                         to a buffer.                                 |
 |        OpenWorkBench()  Open the Workbench screen, if closed.        |
 |       CloseWorkBench()  Close the Workbench screen, if possible.     |
 |         WBenchToBack()  Move the Workbench screen behind all other   |
 |                         screens.                                     |
 |        WBenchToFront()  Move the Workbench screen in front of all    |
 |                         other screens.                               |
 |        GetScreenData()  Pre-V36 way to return information on an open |
 |                         screen.                                      |
 |          ViewAddress()  Return the address of a screen's View.       |
 |      ViewPortAddress()  Use &screen->ViewPort instead.               |
 |           MakeScreen()  Low level screen handling--rebuild Copper    |
 |                         list.                                        |
 |       RethinkDisplay()  Low level screen handling--incorporate       |
 |                         Copper list changes.                         |
 |        RemakeDisplay()  MakeScreen() for all screens, then           |
 |                         RethinkDisplay().                            |

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