NAME CxFilter -- create a commodity filter object. (V36) SYNOPSIS filterObj = CxFilter(description); CxObj *CxFilter(STRPTR) FUNCTION Creates an input event filter object that matches the 'description' string. If 'description' is NULL, the filter will not match any messages. A filter may be modified by the functions SetFilter(), using a description string, and SetFilterIX(), which takes a binary Input Expression as a parameter. This function is a C-language macro for CreateCxObj(), defined in <libraries/commodities.h>. INPUTS description - the description string in the same format as strings expected by commodities.library/SetFilter() RESULTS filterObj - a pointer to the filter object, or NULL if there was not enough memory. If there is a problem in the description string, the internal error code of the filter object will be set to so indicate. This error code may be interrogated using the function CxObjError(). SEE ALSO commodities.library/CreateCxObj(), commodities.library/SetFilter(), commodities.library/SetFilterIX(), commodities.library/CxObjError()
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