NAME CxDebug -- create a commodity debug object. (V36) SYNOPSIS debugObj = CxDebug(id); CxObj *CxDebug(LONG); FUNCTION This function creates a Commodities debug object. The action of this object on receiving a Commodities message is to print out information about the Commodities message through the serial port (using the kprintf() routine). The value of 'id' will also be displayed. Note that this is a synchronous occurence (the printing is done by the input device task). If screen or file output is desired, using a sender object instead of a debug object is necessary, since such output is best done by your application process. This function is a C-language macro for CreateCxObj(), defined in <libraries/commodities.h>. INPUTS id - the id to assign to the debug object, this value is output whenever the debug object sends data to the serial port. RESULTS debugObj - a pointer to the debug object, or NULL if it could not be created. SEE ALSO commodities.library/CreateCxObj(), CxSender(), debug.lib/kprintf()
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